FCCP Announces 2025 Forest & Climate Learning Exchange Series Focused on High-integrity Forest Carbon Offsets and Programs

FCCP in collaboration with the Society of American Foresters and the Pennsylvania State University FOCCE program announces the launch of the 2025 Forest + Climate LES focused on high-integrity forest carbon offsets and programs.

EAST LANSING, Mich. – The Forests + Climate Learning Exchange Series (LES), co-hosted by the Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP), the Society of American Foresters (SAF), and the FOCCE Program at Pennsylvania State University invites academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other experts to present innovative and important research, projects, and strategies relating to forest carbon. The series aims to develop and expand forest stakeholder knowledge and perspectives on forest carbon science, management, and strategy. 

The 2025 Forests + Climate Learning Exchange Series will feature six webinar panels that will bring together leading experts in forest carbon science, management, and policy to advance dialogues in support of high-integrity forest carbon offsets and credits. Panel conversations will not only identify major questions, barriers and gaps surrounding forests carbon offsets, but work to further the dialogue by identifying current research needs and potential pathways forward to foster the role of forests as natural climate solutions

The six conversations will cover:

Permanence: Ensures that carbon is stored in forests in the long term, that carbon credits sold hold carbon value beyond the life of the project.


Additionality: Specific actions to increase carbon storage beyond what would have been stored without the project.


Leakage: Carbon emissions that occur outside the project area as a direct result of a project being implemented.


Monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV): The difficult process of measuring, tracking, and reviewing carbon benefits to ensure consistency and compliance.


Market investments and the forest economy: The role carbon credits play in financing natural climate solutions and bolstering the forest economy.


Social and ecological implications: Ensuring that carbon offsets have ethical practices and thorough impact assessments to minimize risks and maximize positive outcomes.


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