Facility Upgrades
There have been several upgrades for the South Campus Animal Farms
There have been Several Facility Upgrades
- The main barn at the cow/calf unit received new fencing in the second half of the summer. This allows new opportunities to demonstrate fence line weaning which was not able to be done in years past.
- The feedlot just finished pouring a large new feed bunk for feed storage on the north side of the facility. This bunk replaced the large, old feed bunk which became a safety hazard due to its deterioration over the last several decades.
- The new group sow housing addition at the swine farm is nearly completed. Final touches are underway, aside from a few crucial parts that haven’t arrived from overseas yet. Outside, grading and ground work should start shortly. Farmer Boy AG and Big Dutchmen are in the process of scheduling a start-up walk through for swine staff within the month, regardless of the missing components. The farm staff is still optimistic the first females will populate the barn before Christmas.
- An Open House is planned for Tuesday, October 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. The MSU Swine Farm is located at 4813 Power Line Dr., Lansing MI 48910. Those attending are asked to please consider appropriate apparel and biosecurity practices.
- The new high moisture corn bunker at the feedlot is finished! University Farm Services has been busy filling it which will provide feed for both beef units over the next year.