Research Updates
Recent research at the South Campus Animal Farms
Dr. Brian Nielsen recently started a 12-week research trial “Impact of speed and circle diameter on bone and joint health during circular exercise”. This study utilizes 40 lambs from the sheep farm. Current lambing season is about halfway through.
Dr. Richard Ehrhardt recently started a research trial, at the sheep farm, looking at optimizing nutritional management during the pre-breeding period. This study consists of enrolling half of the adult breeding ewes at the farm and utilizes a data ranger to feed two controlled diets.
Dr. Dan Buskirk's feeding trial comparing feedlot performance and carcass characteristics with Holstein and Holstein beef cross calves came to an end. Many of the calves will stay back on the farm to be utilized as replacement females while the superior bull calves will make their way to the MSU/MCA Bull Evaluation Test in October.