Lake Management
Reliable information including water quality data, levels of use, and use impairment are essential for determining the health of a lake and for developing a management plan to protect the lake. As the users and primary beneficiaries of Michigan’s lake resources, citizens must take an active role in obtaining this information and managing their lakes.
Aquatic Invasive Species - What is an invasive species? How do I identify these nuisance species and what to do if I find them.
Permitting - Information on where to obtain permits necessary to conduct various lake management tasks from EGLE.
Pollution - Information about various types of lake pollutants as well as information about how you can reduce your impact on lakes.
Shoreline Development - Information about how to manage your shoreline including information to reduce shoreline erosion.
Lake Levels - Information about how to establish legal lake levels.
Aquatic Plant Management - Information on plant management techniques.
The above information was taken directly from the 2008 Annual Summary Report of Michigan’s Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program, published by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (Report No. MI/DEQ/WB-09/005).