The Michigan Master Gardener Association (MMGA) Inc. was in created in 2012 to support Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) throughout Michigan.
The Michigan Master Gardener Association is dedicated to:
- creating an organization that allows Master Gardener Association supporters to reap the tax benefits of donating to a 501(c)(3) organization
- assisting local affiliated Master Gardener Associations
- providing a by-laws template
- supporting Extension Master Gardener volunteers who don’t have a local association in their area
- organizing a speaker bank to provide speakers for local clubs and associations on key environmental topics
- working with MSU Extension in support of the annual Master Gardener College
- providing a network of volunteer liability insurance for Extension Master Gardeners at group rates
Volunteers and volunteerism are central to the MMGA mission as the group strives to make Michigan a more beautiful place to live and to educate Michigan residents about the many benefits of gardening.
For more information about MMGA Inc, including a list of current board members, committees, and affiliated chapters, visit their website at