New Researchers & Students
New Researchers
Research at the KBS LTAR site is directed towards understanding the agronomic, economic, social, and ecological outcomes of agricultural management in conventional and conservation agricultural practices.
Our site is maintained as a national research facility available to all research interests. There are a variety of ways to conduct research with the KBS LTAR:
- Collect data on the Aspirational Cropping Systems Experiment (ACSE) – field and plot scale
- Talk with us about using microplots to study new factors within the ACSE
- Use existing data from the data catalog
- Analyze archived plant, soil, water and microbial samples
Learn more about conducting research on site >>
Investigators using the KBS LTAR site or samples or data from the site are obligated to acknowledge support from the USDA and KBS LTAR. Suggested language for this acknowledgement can be found on our acknowledgements page.
For more information about KBS LTAR research you are invited to:
- Schedule a guided tour of the LTAR field experiments.
- Visit our publications database
- Contact us with specific questions.
Opportunities for Graduate Students
Graduate student education and research experiences are an integral part of KBS LTAR activities.
- Research: Students are encouraged to conduct research using any of the KBS long-term agroecosystem experiments and the LTER Data Catalog.
- Professional Development: Students can participate in and present research at annual KBS LTAR field days and stakeholder workshops, as well as LTER Data Nuggets, K-12 partnership teacher workshops, MiSTRIPS field days and more! Reach out to Tayler Ulbrich if you would like to be involved in our events or gain experience with event coordination and support.
- Collaborations: There are opportunities to collaborate with KBS LTAR stakeholders, including members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board, as well as with national collaborators across the LTAR network. Check out the Network Working Groups!
Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
Each year the KBS LTER program supports opportunities for undergraduates to become involved in research, education, and outreach.
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in one of the current areas of study by KBS LTER scientists and graduate students. In this program undergraduates carry out independent summer research projects with the help of mentor scientists. Please visit the KBS LTER job openings page for more information on summer research positions.