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Doug Landis
Nate Haan
Allison Zahorec
Christine A. Bahlai, Clarisse Hart, Maria Kavanaugh, Jeffrey D. White, Roger W. Ruess, Todd J. Brinkman, Hugh W. Ducklow, David R. Foster, William R. Fraser, Hélène Genet, Peter M. Groffman, Stephen K. Hamilton, Jill F. Johnstone, Knut Kielland, Douglas A. Landis, Michelle C. Mack, Orlando Sarnelle, Jonathan Thompson. 2020. Future trajectories for ecosystems in the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network: Cascading effects. Ecosphere. Accepted 2/10/20
Haan, NL, DA Landis. 2020. Grassland disturbance effects of first-instar monarch butterfly survival, floral resources, and flower-visiting insects. Biol. Cons. 243:
Bassett, T. D. Landis, L. Brudvig. 2020. Effects of experimental prescribed fire and tree thinning on oak savanna understory plant communities and ecosystem structure. Forest Ecology and Management. Special issue on: Processes underlying restoration of temperate savanna and woodland ecosystems.
Myers, AT, NL Haan and DA. Landis. 2020. Video surveillance reveals a diverse and largely nocturnal community of Danaus plexippus (L.) egg predators. J. Insect Conservation. 24:731-37.
Rowe, L, D Gibson, C Bahlai, J Gibbs, DA Landis, R Isaacs. 2020. Flower traits associated with the visitation patterns of bees. Oecologia. 193: 511-22. 193:511–522
Albrecht, Matthias, David Kleijn, Neal M. Williams, Matthias Tschumi, Brett R. Blaauw, Riccardo Bommarco, Alistair J. Campbell, Matteo Dainese, Frank Drummond, Martin H. Entling, Dominik Ganser, G. Arjen de Groot, Dave Goulson, Heather Grab, Hannah Hamilton, Felix Herzog, Rufus Isaacs, Katja Jacot, Philippe Jeanneret, Mattias Jonsson, Eva Knop, Claire Kremen, Douglas A. Landis, Gregory M. Loeb, Lorenzo Marini, Megan McKerchar, Lora Morandin, Sonja C. Pfister, Simon G. Potts, Maj Rundlöf, Hillary Sardiñas, Amber Sciligo, Carsten Thies, Teja Tscharntke, Eric Venturini, Eve Veromann, Ines M.G. Vollhardt, Felix Wäckers, Kimiora Ward, Andrew Wilby, Megan Woltz, Steve Wratten & Louis Sutter. 2020. Global synthesis of the effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield. Ecology Letters.
Zhang, Y, NL Haan, DA Landis. 2020. Landscape composition and configuration have scale-dependent effects on agricultural pest suppression. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ.
González, E, D Landis, M Knapp. G Valladares. 2020. Forest cover and proximity decrease herbivory and increase crop yield via enhanced natural enemies in soybean fields. J. Appl. Ecol.
Helms, J.A., S.E. Ijelu, B.D. Wills, D. A. Landis, N. M. Haddad. 2020. Ant biodiversity and ecosystem services in bioenergy landscapes. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. Early Online
Hermann, S., C. Blackledge. N. Haan, A. Myers, and D. Landis. 2019. Predators of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus L.) eggs and neonate larvae are more diverse than previously recognized. Scientific Reports. 9:14304
Haan, N, Y Zhang, DA Landis. 2019. Predicting landscape configuration effects on agricultural pest suppression. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
Wills, B., TN Kim, AF Fox, C Gratton, DA Landis. 2019. Reducing native ant abundance decreases predation rates in Midwestern grasslands. Environ. Entomol. 48:6 1360–1368.
Gibson, DR, L Rowe, R Isaacs, DA Landis. 2019. Screening drought-tolerant native plants for attractiveness to arthropod natural enemies in the US Great Lakes Region. Environ. Entomol. 48:6 1469–1480.
Haan NL and Landis DA (2019) The Importance of Shifting Disturbance Regimes in Monarch Butterfly Decline and Recovery. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7:191. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00191
Myers, A. T. and D. Landis. 2019. Habitat type influences Danaus plexippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) oviposition and egg survival on Asclepias syriaca (Gentianales: Apocynaceae). Environmental Entomology.
Haan. N and Landis D. 2019. Grassland disturbance increases monarch butterfly oviposition and decreases arthropod predator abundance. Biological Conservation.
Lettow, M.C., L.A. Brudvig, C.A. Bahlai, J. Gibbs, R. Jean, D.A. Landis. 2018. Bee community responses to a gradient of oak savanna restoration. Restoration Ecology.
Wills, B.D., D.A. Landis. 2018. The role of ants in north temperate grasslands: A review. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-017-4007-0
Noriega, JA, J. Hortal, F.M. Francisco M. Azcárate, M.P. Berg, N. Bonada, M.J.I. Briones, I. Del Toro, D. Goulson, S. Ibanez, D.A. Landis, M. Moretti, S.G. Potts, E. Slade, J.C. Stout, M.D. Ulyshen, F.L. Wackers, B.A. Woodcock, and A.M.C. Santos. 2017. Research trend in ecosystem services provided by insects. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Landis, D.A. 2017. Productive engagement with agriculture essential to monarch butterfly conservation. Invited Perspective. Environmental Research Letters
Perović, David J., Gámez-Virués, Sagrario, Douglas A. Landis, Felix Wäckers, Nico Desneux, Stephen D. Wratten, Min-Sheng You, Geoff M. Gurr. 2017. Managing biological control services through multi-trophic trait interactions: review and guidelines for implementation at the local and landscape scale. Biological Reviews. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12346
GP Robertson, SK Hamilton, BL Barham, BE Dale, RC Izaurralde, RD Jackson, DA. Landis, SM Swinton, KD Thelen and JM Tiedje. 2017. Cellulosic Biofuel Contributions to a Sustainable Energy Future: Choices and Outcomes. Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aal2324
Landis, DA., C. Gratton, RD Jackson, KL Gross, DS Duncan, C Liang, TD Meehan, BA Robertson, TM Schmidt, KA Stahlheber, JM Tiedje, BP Werling. 2017. Biomass crop effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the North Central US. Biomass and Bioenergy: Special Issue on Using the Ecosystem Services approach to assess biofuel sustainability.
Kim, T.N., A.F. Fox, B.D. Wills, T.D. Meehan, D.A. Landis, C. Gratton. 2017. Harvesting biofuel grasslands has weak effects on natural enemy diversity and no effects on biocontrol services. J. of Applied Ecology. 54(6): 2011-2021 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12901
Hermann SL, and D.A. Landis. 2017. Scaling-up our understanding of non-consumptive effects in insect systems. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 20: 54-60.
Gurr, GM, SD Wratten, DA Landis, M You. 2017. Habitat Management to Suppress Pest Populations: Progress and Prospects. Annual Review of Entomology. 62: 91-109. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ento-031616-035050
Landis, D.A. 2017. Designing agricultural landscapes for biodiversity-based ecosystem services. Basic and Applied Ecology, Invited View. 18: 1-12.
Landis, D.A., N. Saidov, A. Jaliov, M. El Bouhssini, M. Kennally, C. Bahlai, J. Landis, K. Maredia. 2016. Demonstration of an integrated pest management program for wheat in Tajikistan. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 7(1):1-9. doi: 10.1093/jipm/pmw010
Carson, B.D., C. A Bahlai, J. Gibbs, D. A Landis. 2016. Flowering phenology influences bee community dynamics in old fields dominated by the invasive plant Centaurea stoebe. Basic and Applied Ecology 17(6):497-507 DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2016.04.004
Prasanna Venkatesh Sampath, Hua-Sheng Liao, Zachary Kristopher Curtis, Matthew E. Herbert Patrick J. Doran, Christopher A. May, Douglas A. Landis, Shu-Guang Li. 2016. Understanding fen hydrology across multiple scales. Hydrological Processes 30:3390-3407. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10865
Evans, JA, RA Lankau, AS Davis, S Raghu, DA Landis. 2016. Soil-mediated eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the invasive plant Alliaria petiolata. Functional Ecology 30:1053-1061.DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12685
Rusch, Adrien, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Mary Gardiner, Violetta Hawro, John Holland, Douglas Landis, Carsten Thies, Teja Tscharntke, Wolfgang Weisser, Camilla Winquist, Megan Woltz, Riccardo Bommarco. 2016. Agricultural landscape complexity enhances natural pest control: a quantitative synthesis. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 221:198-204.16
Bahlai, C.A., and D.A. Landis. 2016. Predicting plant attractiveness to pollinators with passive crowdsourcing. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.150677
Fox, Aaron, Tania N Kim, Christine A Bahlai, J. Megan Woltz, Claudio Gratton, Douglas A Landis. 2016. Cover crops have neutral effects on predator communities and biological control services in annual cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 232:101-109.
Geertsema, W., WAH Rossing, DA Landis, FJJA Bianchi, PCJ van Rijn, JHJ Schaminée, T Tscharntke, W van der Werf. 2016. Actionable knowledge for ecological intensification of agriculture. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 14(4): 209–216, doi:10.1002/fee.1258
Bahlai, C.A., W. van der Werf, M. ONeal, L. Hemerik, and D.A. Landis. 2015. Shifts in dynamic regime of an invasive lady beetle are linked to the invasion and insecticidal management of its prey. Ecological Applications 25: 1807–1818.
Liere, H., T.N. Kim, B.P. Werling, T.D. Meehan, D.A. Landis, C. Gratton. 2015. Trophic cascades in agricultural landscapes: indirect effects of landscape composition on crop yield. Ecological Applications. Ecological Applications 25: 652–661. 1
Woltz, J.M., D.A. Landis. 2014. Coccinellid response to landscape composition and configuration. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 16: 341-349. DOI: 10.1111/afe.12064.
Bahlai, C.A., M. Colunga-Garcia, S.H. Gage, and D.A. Landis. 2014. The role of exotic species in the decline of native ladybeetle populations: evidence from long-term monitoring. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-014-0772-4.
Liere, H., T.N. Kim, B.P. Werling, T.D. Meehan, D.A. Landis, C. Gratton. 2014. Trophic cascades in agricultural landscapes: indirect effects of landscape composition on crop yield. Ecological Applications. .
Carson, BD., DA Landis. 2014. Establishment, impacts, and current range of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos) biological control insects in Michigan. Great Lakes Entomol.
Carson, BD., DA Landis. 2014. Phenology and dispersal of Larinus minutus Gyllenhal and Larinus obtusus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), two biological control agents of Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos (spotted knapweed) in Michigan. Biological Control.
Safarzoda, S., C.A. Bahlai, A.F. Fox, D. A. Landis. 2014. The role of natural enemy foraging guilds in controlling cereal aphids in Michigan wheat. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114230.
Lettow, M.C., L.A. Brudvig, C.A. Bahlai, and D.A. Landis. 2014. Oak savanna management strategies and their differential effects on vegetative structure, understory light, and flowering forbs. Forest Ecology and Management. 329: 89-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.06.019.
Werling, B.P., T.L. Dickson, R. Isaacs, H. Gaines, C. Gratton, K.L. Gross, H. Liere, C.M. Malmstrom, T.D. Meehan, L. Ruan, B.A. Robertson, G.P. Robertson, T.M. Schmidt, A.C. Schrotenboer, T.K. Teal, J.K. Wilson, and D.A. Landis. 2014. Perennial grasslands enhance biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in bioenergy landscapes. PNAS.
Robertson, G.P., K.L. Gross, S.K. Hamilton, D.A. Landis, T.M. Schmidt, S.S. Snapp, and S.M. Swinton. Farming for ecosystem services: An ecological approach to production agriculture. BioScience.
Bahlai, C.A., M. Colunga-Garcia, S.H. Gage, and D.A. Landis. Long term community dynamics of aphidophagous coccinellids in response to repeated invasion in a diverse agricultural landscape. For: PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083407.
Woltz, J.M., D.A. Landis. Comparison of sampling methods of Aphis glycines predators across the diel cycle. 2014. J. Applied Entomology. 138: 475-484. doi: 10.1111/jen.12106.
Jordan, N., C. Williams, L. Schulte Moore, D. Pitt, C. Schively-Slotterback, R. Jackson, D. Landis, D. Mulla, D. Becker, M. Rickenbach, B. Dale, C. Helmers, and B. Bringi. 2013. Landlabs: A New Approach to Creating Agricultural Enterprises That Meet the Triple Bottom Line. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. 17:175-200.
Hamm, C.A., V. Rademacher, D.A. Landis, and B.L. Williams. 2013. Conservation genetics and the implication for recovery of the endangered Mitchell’s satyr butterfly, Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii. Journal of Heredity.
Woltz, J.M. and D.A. Landis. 2013. Coccinellid immigration rate influences suppression of Aphis glycines in soybean. Biological Control. 64: 330-337.
Meehan, TD, BP. Werling, DA. Landis and C Gratton. 2012. Pest-Suppression Potential of Midwestern Landscapes under Contrasting Bioenergy Scenarios. PLoS ONE. 7(7):e41728. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0041728.
Grieshop, Matthew J., Ben Werling, Krista Buehrer, Julia Perrone, Rufus Isaacs, Doug Landis. 2012. Big brother is watching: studying insect predation in the age of digital surveillance. American Entomologist. 58:172-182.
Robertson, B.A., R.A. Rice, T.S. Sillett, B.A. Babcock, D.A. Landis, C.A. Ribic, J.R. Herkert, R.J. Fletcher, Jr., J.J. Fontaine, P.J. Doran, and D.W. Schemske. 2012. Agroenergy and the fate of North American grassland birds. The Condor. 114(4): 679-688.
Robertson, B.A., Landis, D.A., Sillett, T.S., Loomis, E.L. & Rice, R. 2012. Perennial agroenergy feedstocks as a new source of en route habitat for spring migratory birds. BioEnergy Research. DOI 10.1007/s12155-012-9258-3.
Hamm, CA, BL Williams, DA Landis. 2012. Natural history and conservation status of the endangered Mitchell’s Satyr butterfly: an update and expansion of our knowledge regarding Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii French 1889. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 67(1): 15-28.
Woltz, MJ, R Isaacs, DA Landis. 2012. Landscape structure and habitat management differentially influence insect natural enemies in an agricultural landscape. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 152:40-49 doi:10.1016/j.agee.2012.02.008.
Evans, J.A., Davis, A.S., Raghu, S., A. Ragavendran, D.A. Landis and D.W. Schemske. 2012. The importance of space, time and stochasticity to the demography and management of Alliaria petiolata. Ecological Applications. 22(5): 1497-1511.
Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses. 2012.Teja Tscharntke, Jason M. Tylianakis, Tatyana A. Rand, Raphael K. Didham, Lenore Fahrig, Péter Batáry, Janne Bengtsson, Yann Clough, Thomas O. Crist, Carsten F. Dormann, Robert M. Ewers, Jochen Fründ, Robert D. Holt, Andrea Holzschuh, Alexandra M. Klein, David Kleijn, Claire Kremen, Doug A. Landis, William Laurance, David Lindenmayer, Christoph Scherber, Navjot Sodhi, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Carsten Thies, Wim H. van der Putten and Catrin Westphal1. Biological Reviews. 87: 661-685.
Knapp AK, MD Smith, SE Hobbie, SL Collins, TJ Fahey, GJA Hansen, DA Landis, KJ La Pierre, JM Melillo, TR Seastadt, GR Shaver, JR Webster. 2012. Past, present and future roles of long-term experiments in the LTER network. BioScience 62(4) 377-389.
Robertson, B.A. C. Porter, D.A. Landis and D.W. Schemske. 2012. Agroenergy crops influence the diversity, biomass, and guild structure of terrestrial arthropod communities. BioEnergy Research. 5:179–188 DOI 10.1007/s12155-011-9161-3.
Gardiner, M.M., M.E. O’Neal, and D.A. Landis. 2011. Intraguild predation and native lady beetle decline. PLoS ONE. 6(9): e23576. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0023576.
Werling, B, TD Meehan, C. Gratton, DA Landis. 2011. Influence of habitat and landscape perenniality on insect natural enemies in three candidate biofuel crops. Biological Control 59: 301-312. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2011.06.014.
Meehan, TD, BP. Werling, DA. Landis and C Gratton. 2011. Agricultural landscape simplification and insecticide use in the Midwestern U.S. PNAS. 108: 11500-1505.
Fiedler, A.K., and D.A. Landis. 2012. Biotic and abiotic conditions in Michigan prairie fen invaded by glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus). Natural Areas Journal.
Fiedler, A.K. and D.A. Landis and M. Arduser. 2011. Rapid shift in pollinator communities following invasive species removal. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2011.00820.x.
D.A. Landis, A.K. Fiedler, C.A. Hamm, D.L Cuthrell, E.H. Schools, D.R. Pearsall, M.E. Herbert and P.J. Doran. 2011. Insect conservation in prairie fen: addressing the challenge of global change. J. Insect Conservation. 16:131-142. DOI 10.1007/s10841-011-9398-3. .
Costamagna, A.C., D.A. Landis. 2011. Lack of strong refuges allows top-down control of soybean aphid by generalist natural enemies. Biological Control. 57:184-192. .
Werling, B, TD Meehan, B Robertson, C Gratton, D Landis. 2011. Biocontrol potential varies with changes in biofuel-crop plant communities and landscape perenniality. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy. 59: 304-312. doi: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2011.01092.x.
Ragsdale, D.W., D.A. Landis, J. Brodeur, G.E. Heimpel, N. Desneux. 2011. Ecology and Management of the Soybean Aphid in North America. Annual Review of Entomology 56: 375-99. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ento-120709-144755.
Gardiner, MM, DA Landis, C Gratton, N Schmidt; M O'Neal, E Mueller; J Chacon; GE Heimpel. 2010. Landscape composition influences the activity density of Carabidae and Arachnida in soybean fields. Biological Control. 55:11-19. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2010.06.008.
Costamagna, AC. BP McCornack, DW Ragsdale, and DA Landis. 2010. Development and Validation of Node-Based Sample Units for Estimating Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Densities in Field Cage Experiments. J. Econ. Entomol. 10:1483-1492; DOI: 10.1603/EC10012.
Saidov N.Sh., A.U. Jalilov, D.A. Landis, A. Fiedler, V.K. Nazirov, T. Mirzoev, S. Karimjanov, 2010. Introduction the flowering plants in agricultural landscapes for increasing of efficiency of natural enemies. Bulletin of the Academy of agricultural sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 8 p., In press (in Russian).
Ahern, R.G., D.A. Landis, A.A. Reznicek, and D.W. Schemske. 2010. Spread of exotic plants in the landscape: the role of time, biological traits, and history of invasiveness. Biological Invasions. 12: 3157-3169. DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9707-x.
Jonsson, M., S.D. Wratten, D.A. Landis, J-ML. Tompkins and R. Cullen. 2010. Habitat manipulation to mitigate the impacts of invasive arthropod pests. Biological Invasions. 12:2933–2945 DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9737-4.
Heimpel, G.E., L.E. Frelich, D.A. Landis., K.R. Hopper , K.Hoelmer , Z.Sezen, M.K. Asplen, K. Wu. 2010. European buckthorn and Asian soybean aphid as part of an extensive invasional meltdown in North America. Biological Invasions. 12:2913–2931. DOI 10.1007/s10530-010-9736-5.
Gardiner, M, J Tuell, R Isaacs, J Gibbs, J Ascher and DA Landis. 2010. Implications of three model biofuel crops for beneficial arthropods in agricultural landscapes. BioEnergy Research. 3:6–19. DOI 10.1007/s12155-009-9065-7.
Landis, D.A. & B. P. Werling. 2010. Arthropods and Biofuel Production Systems in North America. Insect Science. 17:1–17, DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2009.01310.x.
Hamm, C.A., D. Aggarwal and D.A. Landis. 2009. Evaluating the impact of non-lethal DNA sampling on two butterflies, Vanessa cardui and Satyrodes eurydice. J. Insect Conservation. Online.
Isaacs, R., J. Tuell, A. Fiedler, M. Gardiner and D. Landis. 2009. Maximizing arthropod-mediated ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes: the role of native plants. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 7:196-203 published on-line 26 August 2008 DOI: 10.1890/080035.
Gardiner, M.M., D.A. Landis, C. Gratton, M. O’Neal, C. DiFonzo, G. Heimpel, E. Mueller, N. Schmidt, and J. Chacon. 2009. Landscape composition mediates exotic and native coccinellid community structure. Diversity and Distributions. 15:554-564.
Landis, D.A., M.M. Gardiner, W. van der Werf and S.M. Swinton. 2008. Increasing corn for biofuel production reduces biocontrol services in agricultural landscapes. PNAS. 105:20552-20557.
Saidov, N. Sh. and D.A. Landis. 2008. Evaluation of flowering plants to attract natural enemies in Tajikistan. Journal of Biological Sciences of Academy of Science of Tajikistan, November 2008, Vol. IV, 15p. (in Russian).
Chacón, J.M, D.A. Landis and G.E. 2008. Heimpel. Potential for biotic interference of a classical biological control agent of the soybean aphid. Biological Control. 46:216-225.
Gardiner, M.M., D.A. Landis, C. Gratton, C.D. DiFonzo, M.O’Neal, J. Chacon, M. Wayo, N. Schmidt, E. Mueller and G.E. Heimpel. 2009. Landscape diversity enhances the biological control of an introduced crop pest in the north-central U.S. Ecol. Applic.
Tuell, J.K., A. K. Fiedler, D.A. Landis, and R. Isaacs. 2008. Visitation by wild and managed bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) to Eastern U.S. native plants for use in conservation programs. Environ. Entomol. 37: 707–718.
Costamagna, A.C., D.A. Landis and M.J. Brewer. 2008. The role of natural enemy guilds in Aphis glycines suppression. Biological Control. 45:368-379.
Fiedler, A.K., D.A. Landis and S. Wratten. 2008. Maximizing ecosystem services from conservation biological control: the role of habitat management. Biological Control. 45:254-271.
Jonsson, M., S.D. Wratten, D.A. Landis and G.M. Gurr. 2008. Recent advances in conservation biological control of arthropods by arthropods. Biological Control. 45:172-175.
White, S.S., K.A. Renner, F.D. Menalled and D.A. Landis. 2007. Feeding Preferences of Weed Seed Predators and Effect on Weed Emergence. Weed Sci. 55:606–612.
Evans, J.A., and D.A. Landis. 2007. Pre-release monitoring of Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) invasions and the impacts of extant natural enemies in southern Michigan forests. Biological Control. 42:300-315.
Costamagna, A.C., W. van der Werf, F.J.J.A. Bianchi, and D.A. Landis. 2007. An exponential growth model with decreasing r captures bottom-up effects on the population growth Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Agr. and For. Entomol. 9:297-305.
Costamagna, A.C., and D.A. Landis. 2007. Quantifying predation on soybean aphid through direct field observations. Biological Control. 42:16-24.
Fiedler, A. K., and D. A. Landis. 2007. Plant characteristics associated with natural enemy abundance at Michigan native plants. Environ. Entomol. 36 (4): 878-886. .
Fiedler, A. K., and D. A. Landis. 2007. Attractiveness of Michigan native plants to arthropod natural enemies and herbivores. Environ. Entomol. 36 (4): 751-765.
Gardiner, M.M., and D.A. Landis. 2007. Impact of intraguild predation by Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae) biological control in cage studies. Biological Control. 40:386-395.
Costamagna, A.C., D.A. Landis and C.D. DiFonzo. 2007. Suppression of soybean aphid by generalist predators results in a trophic cascade in soybeans. Ecol. Applic. 17: 441-451.
Swinton, S.M., F. Lupi, G.P. Robertson and D.A. Landis. 2006. Ecosystem services from agriculture: Looking beyond the usual suspects. Am. J of Agric. Econ. 88(5): 1160-1166.
Davis, A.S., D.A. Landis, V. Nuzzo, B. Blossey, E. Gerber and H.L. Hinz. 2006. Demographic models inform selection of biocontrol agents for garlic mustard. Ecol. Applic. 16: 2399-2410.
Marino, P.C, D.A. Landis, B.A. Hawkins. 2006. Conserving parasitoid assemblages of North American pest Lepidoptera: what alternate host food plant relationships tell us about agricultural landscapes. Biological Control.37: 173-185.
Costamagna, A.C., and D.A. Landis. 2006. Predators exert top-down control of soybean aphid across a gradient of agricultural management systems. Ecol. Applic. 16: 1619-28.
Landis, D.A., F.D. Menalled, F.D., A.C. Costamagna, and T.K. Wilkinson. 2005. Manipulating plant resources to enhance beneficial arthropods in agricultural landscapes. Weed Sci. 53: 902-908.
Fox, T.B., D.A. Landis, F.F. Cardoso and C.D. DiFonzo. 2005. Impact of predation on establishment of the soybean aphid Aphis glycines Matsumura in soybean, Glycine max L. BioControl. 50:545-563.
O'Neal, M.E., D. A. Landis, E. Rothwell, L. Kempel, and D. Reinhard. 2005. Tracking Insects with Harmonic Radar: a Case-Study with Carabids in Annual Crop Habitat. The American Entomologist. 50: 212-218.
O’Neal, M.E., E.L. Zontek, Z. Szendrei, D.A. Landis and R. Isaacs. 2005. Ground predator abundance affects prey removal in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) fields and can be altered by aisle ground covers. BioControl. 50:205-222.
Wilkinson, T.K., D.A. Landis, L.J. Gut. 2004. Parasitism of Obliquebanded Leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae), in Commercially Managed Michigan Apple Orchards. J. Econ. Entomol. 97: 1524-1530.
Costamagna, A.C., F.D. Menalled and D.A. Landis. 2004. Host density influences parasitism of the armyworm Pseudaletia unipuncta in agricultural landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology. 5: 337-355..
Fox, T.B., D.A. Landis, F. F. Cardoso, C.D. DiFonzo. 2004. Predators suppress Aphis glycines Matsumura population growth in soybean. Environ. Entomol. 33: 608-618.
Landis. D.A., T.B. Fox, A.C. Costamagna. 2004. Impact of multicolored Asian lady beetle as a biological control agent. The American Entomologist. 50: 153-54.
Sebolt, D.C., and D. A. Landis. 2004. Arthropod Predators of Galerucella calmariensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): An assessment of biotic interference. Environ. Entomol. 356-361.
Costamagna, A.C., and D.A. Landis. 2004. Effect of Food Resources on Adult Glyptapanteles militaris and Meteorus communis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Parasitoids of Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Environ. Entomol. 128-137.
Menalled, F.D., D.A. Landis, and L.E. Dyer. 2004. Research and extension supporting ecologically based IPM systems. Journal of Crop Improvement 11 (1/2): 153-174.
O'Neal, M.E., D.A. Landis, J.R. Miller, and C.D. DiFonzo. 2004. Corn phenology influences Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte) emigration and visitation to soybean. Environ. Entomol. 33: 35-44.
Rutledge, C.E., R.J. O’Neil, T.B. Fox, and D.A. Landis. 2004. Soybean aphid predators and their use in IPM. Annals Ent. Soc. Am. 97: 240-248.
Landis, D.A., D.C. Sebolt, M.J. Haas, and M. Klepinger. 2003. Establishment and impact of Galerucella calmariensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Lythrum salicaria L. and associated plant communities in Michigan. Biological Control. 28:78-91.
O'Neal, M.E., C.D. DiFonzo, D. A. Landis, and D. Meek. 2002. Monitoring Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte) in Michigan soybean fields and subsequent adult emergence in rotated and continuous cornfields. Great Lakes Entomologist. 35: 173-181. (appeared fall 2003).
Menalled, F.D., A.C. Costamagna, P.C. Marino, and D.A. Landis. 2003. Temporal variation in the response of parasitoids to agricultural landscape structure. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 96: 29-35.
O'Neal, M.E., D. A. Landis, and R. Isaacs. 2002. An inexpensive, accurate method for measuring leaf area and defoliation through digital image analysis. J. Econ. Entomol. 95: 1190-94.
Sebolt, D.C., and D.A. Landis. 2002. Neonate Galerucella calmariensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Behavior on Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) contributes to predator avoidance. Environ. Entomol. 31: 880-886.
O'Neal, M.E., C.D. DiFonzo, and D. A. Landis. 2002. Western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding on corn and soybean leaves is influenced by corn phenology. Environ. Entomol. 31: 285-292.
Menalled, F.D., J.C. Lee, and D.A. Landis. 2001. Herbaceous filter strips in agroecosystems: implications for carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) conservation and invertebrate weed seed predation. Great Lakes Entomol. 34: 77-91.
Blossey, B., R. Casagrande, L. Tewksbury, D.A. Landis, R. Wiedenmann, and D.R. Ellis. 2001. Non-target feeding of leaf-beetles introduced to control purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). Natural Areas Journal. 21: 368-377.
Lee, J.C., F.D. Menalled, and D.A. Landis. 2001. Refuge habitats modify impact of insecticide disturbance on carabid beetle communities. J. Appl. Ecol. 38: 472-483.
Kaufman, L.N., and D.A. Landis. 2000. Host-specificity testing of Galerucella calmariensisL. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) versus Michigan native and ornamental plants. Biological Control 18: 157-64.
Menalled, F., P. Marino, K. Renner, and D. Landis. 2000. Post-dispersal weed seed predation in crop fields as a function of agricultural landscape structure. Agric. Ecosys. and Environ. 77:193-207.
Carmona, D.M., and D.A. Landis. 1999. Influence of refuge habitats and covers crops on seasonal activity-density of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in field crops. Environ. Entomol. 28: 1145-53.
Sebolt, D.C., and D.A. Landis. 1999. Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) feeding on purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) in Michigan. Great Lakes Entomologist. 32: 75-78.
Carmona, D., F. Menalled, and D. Landis. 1999. Northern Field Cricket, Gryllus pensylvanicus Burrmiester (Orthoptera: Gryllidae): Weed seed predation and within-field activity-density. J. Econ. Entomol. 92: 825-29.
Menalled, F., J. Lee, and D. Landis. 1999. Manipulating carabid beetle abundance alters prey removal rates in corn fields. BioControl. 43: 441-456.
Menalled, F.D., P.C. Marino, S.H. Gage, and D.A. Landis. 1999. Does agricultural landscape structure affect parasitism and parasitoid diversity? Ecological Applications, 9: 634-641.
Dyer, L.E., and D.A. Landis. 1997. Diurnal behavior of Eriborus terebrans (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Environ. Entomol. 26: 1385-1392.
Garcia-Salazar, C., and D.A. Landis. 1997. Marking Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) with a fluorescent marker dust and its effect on survival and flight behavior. J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 1546-50.
Marino, P.C. K.L. Gross, and D.A. Landis. 1997. Post-dispersal weed seed loss in Michigan maize fields. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 66: 189-96.
Fuller, B.W., M.A. Boetel, D.D. Walgenbach, J.A. Grungler, G.L. Hein, K.J. Jarvi, A.J. Keaster, D.A. Landis, L.J. Meinke, J.D. Oleson, K.R. Ostlie, J.J. Tollefson, J.L. Wedburg, G.E. Wilde, and P.D. Evenson. 1997. Optimization of soil insecticide rates for managing corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae in the North Central United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 1332-1340.
Dyer, L.E., and D.A. Landis. 1997. Influence of non-crop habitats on the distribution of Eriborus terebrans (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in cornfields. Environ. Entomol. 26: 924-932.
Colunga-Garcia, M., S.H. Gage, and D.A. Landis. 1997. Response of an assemblage of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) to a diverse agricultural landscape. Environ. Entomol. 26: 797-804.
Roda, A.L., D.A. Landis, and M.L. Coggins. 1997. Forage grasses elicit adult potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) emigration from alfalfa-grass mixtures. Environ. Entomol. 26: 745-753.
Roda, A.L., D.A. Landis, and J.R. Miller. 1997. Contact-induced emigration of potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) from alfalfa-forage grass mixtures. Environ. Entomol. 26: 754-762.
Orr, D.B., and D.A. Landis. 1997. Oviposition of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and impact of natural enemy populations in transgenic versus isogenic corn. J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 905-909
Orr, D.B., D.A. Landis, D.R. Mutch, G.V. Manley, S.A. Stuby, and R.L. King. 1997. Ground-cover influence on microclimate and Trichogramma augmentation in seed corn production. Environ. Entomol. 26: 433-438.
Landis, D.A., and W. van der Werf. 1997. Early-season aphid predation impacts establishment and spread of sugar beet yellows virus in the Netherlands. Entomophaga 42: 499-516
Dyer, L.E., and D.A. Landis. 1996. Effects of habitat, temperature and sugar availability on longevity of Eriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Environ. Entomol. 25:1192-1201.
Roda, A.L., D.A. Landis, M.J. Coggins, E. Spandl, and O.B. Hesterman. 1996. Forage grasses decrease alfalfa weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) damage and larval numbers in alfalfa-grass intercrops. J. Econ. Entomol. 89(3): 743-750.
Marino, P.C., and D.A. Landis. 1996. Effect of landscape structure on parasitoid diversity and parasitism in agroecosystems. Ecol. Applic. 6(1): 276-284.
Morton, C.A., R.G. Harvey, J.L. Wedburg, J.J. Kells, D.A. Landis, and W.E. Lueschen. 1994. Influence of corn rootworm insecticides on the response of field corn (Zea mays) to nicosulfuron. Weed Technol. 8:289-295.
Walker, E., and D. Landis. 1994. Straw Itch Mite, Pymotes tritici, Infestation in brome seed related to acute dermatitis in Michigan granary workers. Great Lakes Entomologist. 27:125-128.
Morton, C.A., R.G. Harvey, J.J. Kells, D.A. Landis, W.E. Lueschen, and V.A. Fritz. 1993. In-furrow terbufos: reduced field and sweet corn (Zea mays) tolerance to nicosulfuron. Weed Technol. 7: 934-939.
Maredia, K.M., S.H. Gage, D.A. Landis, and T.M. Wirth. 1992 Ecological observations on predatory Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in southwestern Michigan. Great Lakes Entomologist. 25(4):265-270.
Maredia, K.M., S.H. Gage, D.A. Landis, and T.M. Wirth. 1992. Visual response of Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Hippodamia parenthesis (Say), (Colepotera: Coccinellidae), and Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to colors. Biological Control. 2:253-256.
Maredia, K.M., S.H. Gage, D.A. Landis, and J.M. Scriber. 1992. Habitat utilization patterns by the seven-spotted lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in a diverse agricultural landscape. Biological Control. 2: 159-165.
Landis, D.A., E. Levine, M.J. Haas, and V. Meints. 1992. Detection of prolonged diapause of Northern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Michigan. Great Lakes Entomologist. 25(3): 215-222.
Lohr, L., O. Hesterman, J. Kells, D. Landis, and D. Mutch. 1992. Methodology for designing and evaluating comparative cropping systems. J. Farming Systems Research-Extension. 3:(1) 105-129.
Landis, D.A., and M. Haas. 1992. Influence of landscape structure on abundance and within-field distribution of Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larval parasitoids in Michigan. Environ. Entomol. 21: 409-416.
Carlson, J.D., M. E. Whalon, D.A. Landis, and S.H. Gage. 1992. Springtime weather patterns coincident with long distance migration of potato leafhopper into Michigan. Agric. and Forest. Meteorology. 59:183-206.
Landis, D.A., C.E. Sorenson, and E.D. Cashatt. 1992. Biology of Clydonopteron sacculana(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in North Carolina with description of the egg stage. Annals Entomol. Soc. Am. 85(5): 596-604.
Gould, F., A. Anderson, D. Landis, and H. Van. Mellaert. 1991. Feeding behavior and growth of Heliothis virescens larvae on diets containing Bacillus thuringiensis formulations or endotoxins. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 58: 199-210.
Landis, D.A., and F. Gould. 1989 Investigation of the mode(s) of action of several feeding deterrents against the southern corn rootworm, using behavioral bioassays and toxicity testing. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 51: 163-174.
Landis, D.A., 1989. A technique for artificially infesting field plots with southern corn rootworm larvae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Agric. Entomol. 6(2): 119-126.
Landis, D.A., 1988. Response of corn seedlings to simulated southern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding damage. J. Econ. Entomol. 81(4): 1209-1213.
Landis, D.A., and F. Gould. 1988. A screening program to detect feeding deterrents for protection of corn seeds/seedlings from southern corn rootworm feeding damage. J. Entomol. Sci. 23(3): 201-211.
Landis, D.A., J.R. Bradley, Jr., and F. Gould. 1987. Behavior and survival of Heliothis zea(Lepidoptera; Noctuidae) Prepupae in no-tillage and conventional tillage corn. Environ. Entomol. 16: 94-99.
Farrar, R.R. Jr., and D.A. Landis. 1985. An evaluation of a portable geiger counter to trace radiolabeled Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in corn and cotton. J. Entomol. Sci. 20: 62-65.