Michigan Clean Water Corps
MiCorps is a network of lake and stream volunteer monitoring programs in Michigan. Data collected by volunteers are used in their local communities and by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for use in water resources management and protection programs.
Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program
Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program volunteers monitor the water quality of their lakes to document changes over time. Participants collect data on a variety of different parameters including: Secchi disk transparency, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, temperature, shoreline habitat, aquatic plant identification and mapping, and monitor for invasive plants. Staff provide training and support to volunteers.
Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program
MiCorps provides technical assistance to local units of government and nonprofit entities for water quality monitoring in wadeable streams and rivers through the Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program. The monitoring typically consists of an evaluation of benthic invertebrate communities (aquatic “bugs”) and stream habitat. The program also supports road-stream crossing inventories. Staff provide training, support, and assistance with developing quality assurance project plans to the participants, helping them to reach a professional level of monitoring. The resultant data are used by local communities and EGLE to identify waterways requiring more detailed assessment and to inform water resource management.
Volunteer Stream Cleanup Program
MiCorps provides grants to local governments to enable them to host stream and river trash cleanup events. Grant funding can be used to cover the costs of equipment, trash disposal, and volunteer appreciation items like food and t-shirts.
Learn how to become a MiCorps volunteer and explore over 50 years of Michigan lake and stream data on the MiCorps website.
Contact for more Information
Jo Latimore, Ph.D.
Senior Specialist - Lakes, Streams, and Watersheds