Accounting and Ratemaking Course
A concise and comprehensive introduction to public utility accounting, financing, and pricing to ensure sustainability and protect ratepayers. Interactive exercises make use of actual data for a regulated water company.
Live Online Learning
The IPU Accounting and Ratemaking Course is offered in a live (synchronous) remote-learning format. We remain committed to providing a positive, interactive, and content-rich learning experience.
The program runs 10 am - 5 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, and 10 am - 1 pm Thursday (all in Eastern Time Zone) for a total of 13 hours of instruction. Attendees will receive a certificate of program completion and 30 credits toward IPU's certificate of continuing regulatory education (CCRE). We will send links to some materials in advance of the program, as well as the instructions for joining the course.
Let us know if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way. Your continued support is much appreciated and we look forward to helping you meet your professional education needs.
IPU Accounting and Ratemaking Course: Agenda and Faculty
Open to everyone.
Eligible for IPU's CCRE.
Please note that this is the only CCRE eligible ratemaking course.
Spring, March 11-13, 2025
Fall, TBD 2025
The program begins at 10 am (Eastern Time) on Tuesday.
The Course will be offered in a live remote-learning format (online).
Register online
Registration fees start at $795.
Contact us about discounts available for groups.
A non-IPU program covers less and costs about $1,000 more.
About the program
IPU is pleased to offer this new and unique educational opportunity to economic regulators and the regulatory policy community. IPU Accounting and Ratemaking Course is a concise and comprehensive introduction to public utility accounting, financing, and pricing to ensure sustainability and protect ratepayers. The program focuses on the enterprise model of utilities and the utility basis for ratemaking, as used by regulated and other utility companies. Interactive exercises will make use of actual financial reports and other publicly available data pertaining to a vertically integrated, regional private water company, and cover real issues in a contemporary regulatory case following the utility basis for ratemaking. The course is organized around generally accepted principles and methods of regulatory and rate-case accounting, analysis, and auditing, consistent with the NARUC Uniform System of Accounts and Rate Case and Audit Manual and other key resources. The methods of instruction will make key concepts and terminology accessible. This course is recommended for anyone relatively new to ratemaking, whether for publicly owned, or not-for-profit utilities in the water, electricity, or natural gas subsectors, as well as experienced professionals looking to refresh their knowledge it today's context. IPU's Accounting and Ratemaking Course provides an intensive and enjoyable learning experience. IPU welcomes lifelong learners, including former attendees, to all of our programs. Participants will become comfortable with the essential vocabulary of ratemaking and the elements of the process. Even those who have attended a rate school in the past will benefit from this course and its thorough, objective, and policy-centric approach. We teach not just the how-to of ratemaking but the why, and cover more material than others try to cover in a week.
IPU's Accounting and Ratemaking Course offers a great value in term of program content and total cost of participation, with the benefit of independent university sponsorship, highly qualified and experienced instructors, and professionally developed presentation and supplemental materials. The program is eligible for continuing education credits as well as IPU's Certificate of Continuing Regulatory Education (
IPU's Accounting and Ratemaking Course is designed to complement our Annual Regulatory Studies Program, which provides a deeper interdisciplinary exploration of regulatory theory, jurisdiction, and market structures. For questions about IPU educational programs and role in the regulatory policy community, please contact IPU Director, Dr. Janice Beecher ( For a list of IPU FAQ's Click Here.
Topics covered
- Foundations of public utility regulation and ratemaking
- Balance sheet, capital expenditures, and rate base (CAPEX)
- Income statement, revenues, and expenses (OPEX)
- Cash flow, debt and equity financing, and revenue requirements
- Tariffs, cost allocation, rate design, and consumer policies
Course learning objectives
- To understand the core principles, concepts, and methods of ratemaking
- To understand the policies, procedures, and processes that guide ratemaking
- To understand the elements of utility revenue requirements and tariffs
- To understand ratemaking goals and issues from different perspectives
- To understand ratemaking and rate oversight through interactive exercises
Course value and advantages
- A carefully designed and efficient 2.5-day format at a campus location.
- Consistency with generally accepted regulatory policies and practices.
- A knowledgeable, experienced, and objective program faculty team.
- Professionally prepared materials including a holistic and realistic case study.
- Facilitated discussion and exercises based on a contemporary rate case.
- Comparative financial data for privately and publicly owned water systems.
- Relevant to all utilities whether water or energy, public or private, and large or small.
- University sponsorship and opportunity to earn continuing education credits.
- High program value with reasonable registration and accommodation costs.
Who should attend
- State and local public utility regulators and policymakers.
- Regulatory accountants, auditors, and financial analysts.
- Employees of private, public, and not-for-profit utilities.
- Members of water or energy boards and other local public officials.
- Public, consumer, and environmental advocates.
- Attorneys, economists, engineers, and consultants
- Mr. Danny Kermode, CPA, retired Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
- Dr. Janice Beecher, Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University
- "By far the best training I have ever received on rate setting."
- "I recently attended the Ratemaking course; congrats on a very well-run and informative course!"
- Very well-run program."
- "I enjoyed the program and learned so much I look forward to attending future IPU programs!"
- Interesting topics, good instructors and pacing. I enjoyed networking with others in the program.
- I enjoyed the use of a real rate case example to relate the information to.
- I liked the small group atmosphere and vast professional diversity in participants.
- "The program was very well put together and I came away with some valuable insights."
- "I enjoyed learning the material... it was smooth sailing. Thank you again."
- "Food was great; lunch was a nice treat.
- "Keep doing this program!!!
Additional logistics
Materials: Attendees will have access to electronic materials, including presentations, worksheets, and useful supplemental resources.
Attendee list: Out of respect for your privacy, and in keeping with our educational mission, we do not publicize our attendee lists in advance of our programs.
Cancellation and refunds: Cancellations are generally accepted until one week before the program but may result in forfeiture of a group discount. Program fees may be applied toward a future program or refunded. Substitutions are accepted at any time.
Comments and complaints: IPU welcomes program input and feedback. Participants will be asked to complete program evaluation forms. Comments and complaints about the program may be directed to IPU, Dr. Janice A. Beecher ( or the IPU Operations Manager (
NASBA information
NASBA National Registry Statement: The Institute of Public Utilities is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Program level: The program is classified as both basic and overview and is accessible to relatively new personnel working in the regulatory policy community. The program focuses on public utility accounting, financing, and ratemaking.
Program prerequisites: No formal prerequisites apply to this program. However, preparatory resources are available on the IPU program web page and prereading of some materials may be advised.
Program delivery: The program delivery method is classified as a group-live event with interactive workshop-style lectures, a comprehensive case study, and hands-on exercises. Active learning and participation are encouraged. Program instructors are accessible for individual assistance throughout the program.
Field of study: This program is relevant to the following NASBA fields of study: administrative practice, accounting and auditing (corporate and governmental), business law, economics, finance, taxes, regulatory ethics, and specialized knowledge and applications. For program details and registration, please visit
Program Materials
Copyright notice
Program materials are copyrighted and intended for use only by registered attendees. Please do not distribute by electronic or other means or cite without permission.