• 4-H Advisory Group Support

    Training and technical assistance for community and county 4-H advisory groups to help them provide high-quality and effective youth development programming consistent with Michigan 4-H policies and practices.

  • 4-H Capitol Experience

    4-H Capitol Experience is an annual conference that helps prepare youth for active citizenship by focusing on civic engagement and public policy.

  • 4-H Citizenship & Tribal Citizenship Academies

    High school-aged youth take a hands-on approach to learning about democracy at the local level by seeing firsthand how local, county and tribal governments work.

  • 4-H Youth-Adult Partnerships

    Incorporate young people into governance and decision-making processes with resources that help build and sustain youth-adult partnerships - a great way to couple youth enthusiasm and fresh perspectives with adult wisdom and experience.

  • Center for Local Government Finance & Policy

    We help Michigan “thrive local” by working with communities using data and tools that support efficient delivery of the critical public services that safeguard the health, safety and welfare of Michigan residents.

  • Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments Webinar Series

    A free bi-monthly webinar series covering issues affecting local governments in Michigan.

  • Fiscally Ready Communities

    MSU Extension and the Michigan Department of Treasury are providing a joint training on best practices for fiscal and operational planning for Michigan communities.

  • Land Use Education Services

    MSU Extension Land Use Educators offer a broad variety of training courses and presentations on topics related to local planning and zoning tools and techniques, land use and environmental issues, local government, leadership development and more.

  • MSU Extension Citizen Planner Program

    Land use education and training to locally appointed and elected planning officials throughout Michigan. Teaches the fundamentals on roles, responsibilities and best practices for planning and zoning in Michigan.

  • New Commissioner School

    Teaches county commissioner roles and responsibilities and the structure of county government; Explore the basics of county finance; Learn best practices for leading and participating in public meetings; Network with other elected officials.