Day 1: March 5, Tuesday
Opening session
- Moderator: Mywish Maredia
- Welcome, introductions, and brief overview (Mywish Maredia)
- Setting the stage: The broader development context, the Global Food Security Act, Global Food Security Strategy, why food security policy matters, and USAID’s vision of how FSP contributes to the policy change agenda (Jennifer Mack)
- Synthesis of FSP Achievements and Lessons Learned – Synthesis Report 1 and corresponding policy brief (Danielle Resnick)
- Q&A
Institutional Architecture, Transformation, and Policy Processes
- Moderator: Steve Haggblade
- Presenters: Todd Benson, Danielle Resnick, Elizabeth Mkandawire, Nic Olivier, Moraka Makhura, Sheryl Hendriks and Nosipho Mabuza
- Discussants: David Tardif-Douglin and Jim Oehmke
Theme 2
Rural and Agrifood Systems in Transforming Economies (Synthesis Report 3)
- Moderator: Xinshen Diao
- Presenters: Thom Jayne, David Tschirley, Saweda Liverpool-Tasie, Ferdi Meyer
Theme 2
Rural and Agrifood Systems in Transforming Economies (Synthesis Report 3) (cont’d)
- Moderator: Xinshen Diao
- Presenters: Milu Muyanga, Hiroyuki Takeshima, Moraka Makhura, Thom Jayne, Tom Reardon
- Panelists: Jim Oehmke, Chris Delgado, Chuck Moss, Jennifer Long
Day 2: March 6, Wednesday
Theme 3
Capacity Development for Policy Research and Influence (Synthesis Report 4)
- Moderators: Suresh Babu and Thom Jayne
- Presenters: Duncan Boughton, Sheryl Hendriks, Suresh Babu, Thom Jayne
- Panelists: Kimsey Savadogo, David Kraybill, Mary Mathenge, Chris Shepherd-Pratt, Thanda Kyi
Agricultural Land Policies, Land Use, and Rural Transformation in Africa (Synthesis Report 2)
- Moderator: Karen Brooks
- Presenters: Thom Jayne and Hosaena Ghebru
- Panelists: Klaus Deininger, Emily Weeks, Ousmane Badiane, Ruth Meinzen-Dick
Nutrition and Gender Sensitive Policies
- Moderator: Veronique Theriault
- Presenters: Elizabeth Mkandawire, Todd Benson, Melinda Smale, Dave Tschirley, Steve Haggblade
- Discussants: Krista Jacobs and Tim Quick
Looking Toward the Future
Policy Research and Capacity for Resilient People, Institutions, and Systems
- Moderator: David Atwood
- Panel 1: David Nyange, Duncan Boughton, Sheryl Hendriks, Thom Jayne, Dave Tschirley, Danielle Resnick
- Panel 2: Ousmane Badiane, Karen Brooks, Louise Fox, Tom Reardon, Jock Anderson
Closing comments
- David Atwood (On behalf of USAID); Mywish Maredia (On behalf of FSP)
- Titus Awokuse(Vote of thanks)
Day 3: March 7, Thursday
USAID nutrition team will meet with selected FSP researchers in Meridian DE
What have we learned about agricultural economics and development since the food crisis? A conversation led by USAID Chief Economist Louise Fox – Meridian DE
- Panelists: Titus Awokuse, Thom Jayne, Tom Reardon, Danielle Resnick, and Ruth Meinzen-Dick
- Open to all interested participants of the FSP Reflections Workshop