Sheep and Goats for Small Farms 2025

March 8, 2025 12:00PM - 4:00PM

Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025 - 11:59PM

via Zoom

Contact: Mike Metzger

This annual virtual workshop addresses a variety of topics for the small to intermediate sized sheep and/or goat farm however the topics often have greater interest to all producers. This series aims to inform and educate on health, nutrition, facilities, marketing, food safety, product quality (milk, meat, fiber), and more to help producers improve their management and marketing abilities. Those interested in starting or expanding their operation, refining their farm goals, understanding their options, and/or improving their management will find value in attending this workshop. The MSU Small Ruminant Extension Team plus invited guests speakers will be presenting and available for questions.

Program Agenda:

Noon-12:10 p.m. Introductions and Overview

12:10-1 p.m. Understanding markets for sheep and goats and meeting their specifications - Richard Ehrhardt, MSU Small Ruminant Specialist and Mike Metzger, Small Ruminant Educator

                             This talk will focus on the diversity of markets available for sheep and goats in the upper Midwest, their profit potential, and the specific requirements desired for each market. 

1-1:50 p.m.   Choosing a feed for your small flock or herd. Which one is right for me? - Mike Metzger, MSU Extension Educator. 

                             Custom Mix or commercial feed what is right for my herd or flock?

1:50-2 p.m.   Break

2-2:50 p.m.   Pasture management for sheep and goats - Kim Cassida, MSU Forage Specialist.

2:50-3:40 p.m.   How to group your animals to improve health and productivity - Richard Ehrhardt, MSU Small Ruminant Specialist, Barbara Makela Research Assistant, and Mike Metzger, MSU Extension Educator. 

                             Animal grouping strategies do not receive much attention in sheep and goat production but are vital to efficient production, herd/flock health and profit.  This session will discuss how to group animals to optimize farm productivity and flock/herd health.  

3:40-4 p.m.  Panel Discussion (all presenters will be available to answer questions)

Cost: Free
Pre-registration Required. 
Those who register will be given access to recordings of all sessions soon after the event. 


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