International Food Standards, Codex Alimentarius

Course Code: FSC 816

Credits: 3 credits

Photo of a warehouse with text that reads

This course provides a thorough understanding of the organization of Codex Alimentarius, why Codex matters, the key documents, the nature and operation of the various committees, the standards, the interaction WHO, WTO, and the importance of Codex Alimentarius in world trade and global food law.

Codex Alimentarius is a global reference point for food producers, food processors, consumers, national food control agencies, and for international trade. Codex formulates and harmonizes food standards and ensures their global implementation. The objective of this course is to familiarize participants with the history, development, and workings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in formulating and harmonizing food standards and ensuring their global implementation.

All reading assignments will be available as downloads within the modules or via the provided URLs. The course syllabus is subject to change each semester but generally covers the following topics: 

  • What is Codex Alimentarius?
  • Why Codex Matters
  • The Codex Institutional Framework
  • The Codex Committees
  • Administration and Operation
  • Harmonization Through Standard Setting
  • Codex, Food Safety, and the WHO
  • International Trade, WTO, and Codex: The WTO SPS and TBT Agreements
  • Codex and the European Union
  • The Food Industry and Codex
  • Developing Countries and Codex
  • The World Bank and Codex
  • The Legitimacy of Codex
  • The Future of CodexThis course is offered in spring semesters only. 


This course is offered each spring semester.

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