MFIN Virtual Network Meeting: Food Waste, Recovery, and Composting

November 9, 2023 10:00AM - 11:30AM

Contact: Garrett Ziegler

Photo shows a white person's hands holding compost with food scraps and finished compost in the background.

Food waste may be overlooked when we are focused on local food sourcing and meal preparation for nutrition programs, but what institutions do with food waste can be equally important in terms of impact on the environment and local communities. This upcoming virtual network meeting will first provide context for understanding the important role that food waste can play within institutional food settings, followed by a panel of practitioners who will share how they are working to develop solutions to ensure less food waste ends up in our state’s landfills.

Speakers and Panelists include:

  • Chad Techner – Founder/CEO, Metro Food Rescue, Detroit, MI
  • Sarna Salzman – Director, SEEDS, and MFIN Advisory Member, Traverse City, MI
  • Danielle Todd – Executive Director, Make Food Not Waste, Detroit, MI
  • Ricky Blanding – Founder/Director, Scrap Soils, Detroit, MI 

Join us as we begin MFIN’s food waste journey and come prepared to join the discussion with panelists and ask the food waste questions you have been ruminating on in your work!


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