CSUS Hamm-Norris Seminar- Dr. Andrew Flachs
September 27, 2024 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Natural Resources Building, 338
Join the Community Sustainability Department for the Hamm-Norris seminar series where scholars share the latest about their work in environmental and sustainability issues. Hamm-Norris seminars are public events and all are welcome to join! Individuals can attend the seminars either in person at the Natural Resources Building, room 338 or on Zoom.
For virtual attendance option via Zoom, login details below:
Meeting ID: 977 1523 2159
Passcode: CSUS
September 27th features Dr. Andrew Flachs, Associate Professor at Purdue University. Dr. Flachs' talk is entitled "Feeding the world as if people mattered: Toward an agriculture of social reproduction."
About Dr. Flachs: Andrew Flachs researches food and agriculture systems, exploring genetically modified crops, heirloom seeds, and our own microbiomes. Supported by public and private institutions including the Department of Education, the Social Science Research Council, and the National Geographic Society, his work among farmers in North America, Eastern Europe, and South India investigates how we make, and are made through, our environments. Andrew's writing has been featured in numerous peer-reviewed publications as well as public venues including Sapiens, Salon, and the National Geographic magazine. Andrew's work has been recognized by nine international awards, including most recently by the Society of Ethnobiology Mentor award and the International Convention of Asia Scholars’ Book Prize. Outside of academia, he is an avid cook, cyclist, musician, and an embarrassing dad. He is currently an associate professor of anthropology at Purdue University.
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