FSHN Fall 2023 Seminar - Jasna Kovac
October 11, 2023 4:00PM - 5:00PM
10.11.2023 FSHN Fall Seminar
Jasna Kovac, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, Pennsylvania State University
Context matters - the role of microbiota in survival and culturability of Campylobacter jejuni
Join via Zoom: msu.zoom.us/j/99723134255
Meeting ID: 997 2313 4255 Passcode: FSHN23
Jasna Kovac is an Associate Professor at The Pennsylvania State University's Department of Food Science. She earned her BSc in microbiology and a PhD in biosciences/biotechnology from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she worked on molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter. Dr. Kovac conducted pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research in microbial genomics at the University of Oxford and Cornell University in Maiden and Wiedmann labs, respectively. In 2017, she assumed a faculty position at The Pennsylvania State University. She is actively engaged in microbial food safety research domestically and internationally, particularly in Ethiopia and Cambodia. Her lab integrates next-generation sequencing and microbiological methods to investigate factors affecting foodborne pathogens' transmission, persistence, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance. Kovac lab leverages research findings to develop bioinformatics and genomics-based tools to facilitate food safety risk assessment.