
Alpha Psi Chapter Epsilon Sigma Phi


Section 1.

The name of this association shall be the Alpha Psi Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi ‐ The National Honorary Extension Fraternity, Inc.

ARTICLE II ‐ Purpose

Section 1.

The purpose of this association shall be to maintain the standards and ideals, uphold the morale, prestige and respect of the Cooperative Extension Service; to develop an effective working relationship and a spirit of fellowship among the present and former employees of the Cooperative Extension Service and to promote and recognize professionalism, achievement, and excellence within Extension.

ARTICLE III ‐ Membership

Section 1.

  • The membership of this organization shall consist of faculty and Academic Staff Members, who hold or have held full or part‐time Extension appointments with one or more years of service as of October 1.

Section 2.

Types of Membership. Membership of the Alpha Psi chapter shall be divided as follows:

a) ACTIVE members shall be initiated members of the organization who are currently employed as Extension staff by Michigan State University, or an Extension system in another

b) MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER ‐ Staff that join Michigan State University Extension from another state, where they have been an active Epsilon Sigma Phi member and have three years of Extension employment, can have their membership transferred to Michigan's Alpha Psi chapter by providing a letter from that state's chapter confirming membership

c) LIFE members shall be retired from a qualifying Michigan State University Extension (as described in Article III section 1) and pay the life membership

Section 3.

Termination of Membership. A member who has failed to pay annual membership dues shall be dropped from membership. A former member may be reinstated upon payment of the current chapter membership dues.

ARTICLE IV ‐ Officers and Duties

Section 1


The officers of Alpha Psi chapter shall consist of a President, President‐Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Past‐President.

Section 2. President.

  • Chairs all meetings of executive committee/board, board of directors, and
  • Schedules regular meetings and plans agenda for executive committee/board, board of directors, and chaptermeetings.
  • Appoints all committees and gives a list of responsibilities and any special tasks for
  • Chairs annual business meeting, sets agenda, reminds all officers and committees about their expected
  • Gives President's report at annual business
  • Authorizes payment of non-recurring
  • Signs all certificates of recognition awarded to chapter
  • Assists recognition committee in submitting nominations for national
  • Provides for appropriate balloting for national recognition and makes sure secretary or recognition chair returns ballot to National ESP Executive
  • Sees that the chapter delegate(s) to the National ESP Council is/are selected and the National ESP Executive Directornotified.
  • Serves on executive board/committee, as past president/advisor, during year following presidency.

Section 3. President Elect.

  • Functions as a president-elect, so exercises some administrative powers and duties as a learning/preparationexperience.
  • The President Elect becomes President following the next annual
  • Functions at the direction of and in the absence of the
  • Works with chapter directors and membership committee in contacting prospective new annual and life members, "overdue", and dropout members
  • Will chair the Awards/Program committee and purchase
  • Will serve as representative to
  • Is the delegate to National Epsilon Sigma Phi meeting in the absence of the President

Section 4. Secretary.

  • Records complete official minutes of annual business, executive committee/board, board of directors, and any special state Epsilon Sigma Phi Handles all official correspondence on behalf of the chapter.
  • Corresponds with National ESP Executive Director on behalf of chapter on all matters except
  • Supplies Extension Professionals' Creed, State ESP Constitution/Bylaws, and National ESP Constitution/Bylaws for each new member at annual initiation
  • Stores or orders from National ESP Office ESP banner for annual business meeting and Presents secretary's minutes at executive committee/board, board of directors, and annual business meeting.
  • Assists recognition committee in submitting nominees for national

Section 5. Treasurer

  • May attend National ESP Conference as a voting delegate, if authorized by
  • Invites all life members to annual meeting by individual invitation or through newsletter article; recognizes them during
  • Invites all retiring members to annual meeting by individual invitation or through newsletter article; recognizes them during
  • Obtain updated template for various certificate forms from National ESP Executive Director at the request of recognition Orderssupplies as requested suchas materials neededfor chapter business (Extension Professional’s Creed, National ESPConstitution, various leaflets, etc.
  • Works with chapter historian/annalist in collecting materials for yearly historical records of
  • May cast the chapter's ballots for national recognition and send to the National ESP Executive
  • Submits names, supplied by memorial/necrology committee, of deceased members to National ESP Executive

Section 5. Treasurer.

  • Serves as the chapter financial officer and maintains membership
  • May serve as both the chapter financial and as the chapter secretary and/or membership
  • Maintains chapter checking, savings, and special
  • Works with budget committee in developing budget for upcoming year immediately after close of chapter fiscal year, and if possible, before the annual business
  • Keeps record of all chapter income and expenses using approved accounting
  • Facilitates payment of membership dues; submits periodic reports to National ESP Executive Director.
  • Pays bills authorized by
  • Works with audit committee in having financial records audited immediately after close of chapter fiscal year, and if possible, before the annual business
  • Facilitates initiation dues payments from new member candidates and life membership payments to National ESP Executive
  • Corresponds with the National ESP Executive Director on all matters relating to the finances of the chapter.
  • Gives the treasurer's report at the annual business meeting and board meetings, including an electronic annual financial
  • Sends notice to National ESP Executive Director at the close of the chapter's fiscal year, reporting all members who have been dropped for non-payment of
  • Serves on the
  • Shall promote use of any scholarship funds available from the national

Section 6. Past President.

  • The immediate Past President shall conduct the initiation ceremony for new members at the Annual meeting and serve on the Board of Directors;
  • Serves as chair of the Nominating Committee
  • Serves as chair of Scholarship Committee
  • Oversee professional development activities of the chapter

Section 7.


The Historian shall maintain historical records of the chapter; provide recognition to members upon retirement; prepare an annual report for Board of Directors or membership as appropriate; and acknowledge those members who have passed away.

Section 8.

Officer Qualifications.

Officers of Alpha Psi chapter shall be active or life members of the chapter.

Section 9.

Term of office.

The officers shall be elected for a term of one year and shall hold office until their successors are elected. An officer's term of office shall begin immediately following the annual meeting.

Section 10. Vacancies.

A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect for the unexpired term of the President. An appointed President Elect does not automatically succeed to the Presidency. Appointed offices shall serve until the next annual meeting. A vacancy in any other office shall be appointed and approved by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term.

ARTICLE V ‐ Board of Directors

Section 1.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers, the committee chairpersons, and the immediate past President. A majority of the board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board may make necessary regulations, rules and decisions which are consistent with the chapter's constitution and bylaws.

ARTICLE VI ‐ Committees

Section 1.

Standing Committees.

The following standing committees shall be appointed at the board meeting following the annual meeting. Committee membership shall include active and life members. Each committee should have representation of on‐campus, as well as off‐campus staff.

a) Membership. A committee of up to three members, including the Treasurer, shall be appointed each year by the President. The responsibilities include: identify staff that became eligible for membership during the past year; contact potential members prior to the September Board meeting inviting them join; provide the names of potential new members to the Board of Directors during the September meeting; secure Epsilon Sigma Phi sponsor to escort and introduce new members during initiation ceremony.

b) Auditing. Up to three members who are not members of the Board of Directors, shall be appointed each year by the President to complete an audit. They shall audit the financial records and report to the membership before action is taken on the Treasurer's report.

c) Nominating. A committee of up to three members appointed by the Board of Directors, and chaired by the immediate past‐president will submit a slate of candidates with bio-sketches for each office at the annual meeting.

d) Awards Recognition Committee. The President shall appoint three members plus the President Elect to serve on the Awards/Program committee. The President Elect shall chair the committee. They shall be involved in the awards selection and be responsible for the program which includes annual membership recognition (such as banquet, awards, )

e) Life Member. Committee of 3‐5 members can form, and shall be appointed by the President each year. They shall be liaison between life members and the board and shall plan the annual retirees' function including the spring luncheon.

f) Scholarship Committee: Committee shall be chaired by the past president and may consist of a life member and a specialist or administrative staff in addition to ESP members. The committee is responsible for updating the scholarship guidelines, setting deadlines for applications and selecting scholarship recipients from

Section 2.

Special Committees.

The Board of Directors shall arrange for any special committees that will further the effectiveness of the chapter program.

ARTICLE VII ‐ Meetings

Section 1.

Chapter Annual Meeting.

An annual meeting of the chapter membership shall be held on a date and at a place to be determined by the Board of Directors, commonly at Fall Extension Conference. A quorum for the conduct of business shall be the active and life members in attendance.

Section 2. Special Meetings.

Special meetings may be held upon the call of the President or upon written request to the Board of Directors signed by at least 15 active members.

Section 3.

Board of Directors meetings shall be held as needed throughout the year to manage the business of the organization.

ARTICLE VIII ‐ Dues and Fees

Section 1

Any changes in local dues, initiation fees, or special assessments in the Alpha Psi chapter shall be determined by the chapter membership at its annual meeting upon recommendation by the Board of Directors

ARTICLE IX ‐ Election

Section 1.

Election. All officers shall be elected at an annual meeting of the membership. Section 2.

Voting. To be elected, an officer must receive a majority of votes cast by the active or life membership attending the annual meeting.

ARTICLE X ‐Parliamentary Authority Section 1.

The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these bylaws.

ARTICLE XI ‐ Amendments Section 1.

Amendments to these bylaws may be adopted by a two‐thirds vote of the active and life members present and voting at the annual meeting provided members receive written notice of the proposed amendments at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 2.

The bylaws of Alpha Psi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi shall be in conformity with the constitution and bylaws of the national fraternity.

ARTICLE XII ‐ Dissolution

Section 1.

Upon dissolution of the Alpha Psi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, all funds, assets and property shall be disposed of in such manner as directed by the membership at its last meeting.

Revised October 1992.

Transcribed September 1999.

Revised October 2001.

Revised May 2007.

Revised October 2015.

Revised October 2017.

Revised October 2018.

Revised October 2023.

Downloadable Version: ESP Bylaws