
Exploring pollinators with 4-H members! 

Join Michigan 4-H and MSU Extension as we discover the world of pollinators, honey bees, and beekeeping! We will discover topics in understanding honey bees, working with bees, pollination and agriculture, apiculture careers, and youth development. Read on for details about programs: 


Project Resources: 

Visit the 4-H Children's Gardens here.

4-H Beekeeping Curricula

Videos and Web Resources:

Resources from MSU Pollinator Initiative:

MSU Resources for Beekeepers comprehensive site for the beginner or commercial beekeeper, and those just curious to learn more about beekeeping.

MSU Keep Bees Alive The Keep Bees Alive project has been designed to help beekeepers with some of the most common causes of colony death. Site includes videos, handouts, and articles to help you keep your bees alive and healthy.

MSU Pollinator Champions is a free, self-paced online course offered by Michigan State University. The course is packed full of videos, articles, and fun activities to guide you through the amazing world of pollinators and pollination. 

MSU Squash Bee Citizen Science Survey Our goal was to better understand cucurbit pollination, in particular we were interested in the role of squash bees and the impact of farm management practices on them.

Need support for your 4-H Bee project? 

Contact any 4-H staff member for assistance with your bee-related club project. 

Beekeeping Events

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Beekeeping Resources

  • Getting Started with Beekeeping

    The Michigan Ag Ideas to Grow With virtual conference offers multiple educational opportunities, including a session for people interested in learning to keep honey bees and support pollinator health. (RUP credits available)