dotCMS Training
DotCMS is a Content Management System (CMS) through which CANR departments and units can edit and maintain their websites.
Learning dotCMS
We recommend becoming familiar with the two most basic areas of the system first:
Advanced areas such as Templates and Widgets require additional system access. Please feel free to ask for those once you're comfortable. Profile Folders are also available for faculty with multi-page profiles.
If you've reviewed this documentation and still have questions, you can view the dotCMS training schedule and register for a session. Training sessions are offered on a recurring basis via Zoom. If you or a group of dotCMS users in your department/unit needs a different training date, then a Training Request Form can be completed.
dotCMS Training Schedule
To view training sessions available, please visit the training schedule page.
Logging into dotCMS
To access the website system, visit and enter your MSU NetID and password. If you experience issues when attempting to log in, first ensure you are using the correct username and password. If the problem persists, contact ANR Information Technology for assistance at 517-355-3776 or send an email to
Demo Website
In addition to our training materials, there is a Demo Website featuring examples of each content type, widget, template, etc. It's not as useful as our training materials, but it can be helpful if you need to take a look at what a particular feature can do, or if you're trying to figure out if dotCMS has a particular capability.
Website Change Request Form
Need help with making an update to your website or don't have access to specific content in dotCMS to be able to edit it yourself? Submit a request for help to our web students using the Website Change Request Form.