Opportunities at Other Institutions
Two Tenure-Track-Professorships at the Geography Department of HU Berlin
Geography Department at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is currently advertising two tenure track professorships. Both positions are broad and focus on global change and sustainability, one with a more human-geography profile and one with a more physical-geography profile. We expect strong expertise in quantitative research methods for both positions, with clear links to (one or more of) our research foci - land-use change, climate change, biodiversity loss, urbanities. The application deadline for both positions is April 11.
TT-Professorship Geography of Global Environmental Change (W1 with tenure track to W3) --> https://haushalt-und-personal.hu-berlin.de/de/personal/stellenausschreibungen/jp00125-e
TT-Professorship Human Geography and Global Transitions (W1 with tenure track to W3): https://haushalt-und-personal.hu-berlin.de/de/personal/stellenausschreibungen/jp00225-e
EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
Presidential Management Fellows
IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program