Cooking Matters is a nutrition program where participants learn how to eat healthy, cook and grocery shop on a limited budget. This program is offered in the community for adults, families, and childcare providers.

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Learn how to buy, cook, and eat healthy foodNutrition_Cooking_iStock-493152748_izusek

Michigan State University Extension is an implementing Cooking Matters partner with a statewide footprint. 

Cooking Matters hands-on courses serve limited resource families and offer six week long cooking courses to  parents, families, adults, and child care providers. Each course is team-taught by a culinary and nutrition educator.

Participants learn how to plan and budget for healthy, affordable, and delicious meals. Adult participants take home a bag of groceries to practice their new cooking skills with a recipe learned in each class. Adult courses are available in English and Spanish.

Class series are taught throughout the community including but not limited to community centers, churches, health sites, schools and local MSU Extension offices. Group series are available if there are 10 to 15 people, and at least half of the group is income eligible. 

We offer the following programs:

  • Cooking Matters for Parents teaches parents with young children how to prepare and shop sensibly for healthy meals on a budget. 
  • Cooking Matters for Families engages adults and school-aged youth together to learn about healthy eating, planning meals as a family, and working together in the kitchen. 
  • Cooking Matters for Adults teaches adults how to prepare and shop sensibly for healthy meals on a budget. 
  • Cooking Matters for Child Care Providers equips child care professionals with necessary skills to select safe, healthy meals on a budget for young children. 
  • Cooking Matters at the Store provides participants with hands-on education as they shop for food, giving them skills to compare foods for cost and nutrition. 

Donate now to support the Cooking Matters program.

Our Impact


adult and youth participants in the 2019 fiscal year


of adults ate more vegetables as a result of Cooking Matters


of youth ate more fruit as a result of Cooking Matters

If you are interested in the Cooking Matters program, please submit a program referral request.

Program Request Form