• Heart Meditation

    Place your hands over your heart, close your eyes and just notice. Notice what your heart feels like beneath your hands. Notice how fast your heart is beating. There’s no need to judge or label what you feel, practice just noticing.

  • Belly Breathing

    Taking full, deep breaths is a great way to calm down and manage your stress. Belly breaths is a way to practice taking those slow, deep breaths. Place your hand on your belly and as you breathe in notice your belly expanding or getting bigger. As you breathe out, notice your belly contracting or getting smaller. Keep belly breathing until you feel calm.

  • Mantra

    A mantra is a short word or phrase that you repeat to yourself while meditating. The word or phrase can be anything that helps you feel calm and centered and could be something like “I am safe, I feel calm,” “Love,” or “I breathe in, I am calm, I breathe out I’m smile.” Find a comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, breathe and repeat a word or phrase that helps you feel calm.