Hourly & daily weather data
MSU hosts Enviro-weather, an Internet resource with weather data for pest management and other crop production practices. Enviro-weather maintains weather stations collecting data in Michigan where most cherries are grown. Data from MSU’s Enviro-weather stations can aid decision-making as you note conditions at your orchard’s site. From the Enviro-weather home page, select the station nearest you to get hourly updates and daily summaries about air and soil temperatures, leaf wetness, precipitation, wind speed and growing degree day accumulations. Models for disease development and planning insect management can help you deal with pest challenges including plum curculio and cherry leaf spot.
Weather equipment & use of degree days
- About purchasing your own weather equipment
- How to use growing degree days for pest management
Freezes/Cold hardiness
Assessing the impact of freeze and other cold hardiness issues:
- Critical spring temperatures for cherry bud development stages
- Analyzing and improving your farm's air drainage
- MSU Extension resources for responding to freeze conditions
Drought conditions
- MSU Extension resources for drought conditions