How to Protect Your Operation
Learn how to identify and manage financial risks within your organization while reviewing robust cybersecurity measures to protect operations.
Join the Beef and Swine Livestock Insurance program to discuss developing protection strategies for your livestock farm
Published on November 7, 2024
A virtual program from MSU Extension aimed at helping you navigate insurance policies and their use. -
Beef nutrition for beginning farmers
Published on November 1, 2024
Beef cattle can maintain body weight by digesting fibrous feeds and grow rapidly on high grain rations. Due to this versatility, beef cattle are fed a broad variety of rations to match animal performance goals with feed resources. -
Optimizing heifer growth and reproductive management: Practical insights for Michigan dairy producers
Published on November 1, 2024
From breeding based on percent mature body weight, to using synchronization protocols to improve conception rates, and understanding and using data to your advantage, Paul Fricke shares what he’s learned to create a foundation for long-term herd success. -
Storing manure on a small farm
Published on September 4, 2024
The capability to store manure reduces or eliminates the need to spread manure daily. Manure storage facilities allow small farms to store the manure until it can be removed and utilized later. -
Managing heifer inventory: Ensuring the future of your operations
Published on May 30, 2024
Kelly Sporer from CentralStar Cooperative Inc. shared her insights on managing heifer inventory during a Heifer Academy webinar hosted by Dairy Educator Cora Okkema. -
An Introduction to Grazing Management
Be introduced to the difference between conventional continuous grazing and managed grazing systems. Learn how to assess pasture conditions and soil health. Plus, see where small changes can make big impacts.
USDA offers farms with FSA loans an opportunity to ease repayment distress
Published on September 19, 2023
Cash Flow-Based Assistance can help reset the clock on loan payments. -
Management Over Medication: Alternative swine farm management videos
Published on September 15, 2023
Useful videos from the MSU Extension Pork Team help alternative swine producers to be more effective with their herd health and management. -
Small Farm Swine Secure Pork Supply Part 1
This video describes what secure pork supply is and why it is important to all swine producers.
Rodent Control within your Swine Farm
This video demonstrates some proper rodent control for your small swine farm.
Swine Ventilation
his video describes the need to have proper ventilation and how to optimize it within your swine barn for all season.
Small Swine Farms Secure Pork Supply Part 2
This video goes more in depth of what a secure pork supply is. Specifically, what a Premise Identification Number is, what and how to create an enhanced biosecurity plan for you swine farm.
Alternative Ventilation Tools and Tips for Small Swine Farms and Show Pigs
This video educates and informs producers on how to keep your outdoor and alternative farm system productions for your pigs.
Implementing a Vaccine Strategy For Your Pig Herd
This video demonstrates how to properly implement a vaccination strategy and protocol into your small swine herd.
Administering Deworming Products for Pigs
This video demonstrates how to administer deworming products to pigs and states the importance of deworming your pigs on your small farm.
Small Swine Farm Animal Well-being
This video underlines some practices of proper animal wellbeing for swine producers.
Sampling Oral Fluids To Detect and Identify Diseases in Pigs
This video provides information and the education to detect and identify diseases in pigs specifically using the sampling oral fluids method.
Alternative Feed sources for swine
Published on August 28, 2023
A list of possible feed ingredients for swine diets alternative to the traditional corn and soybean meal components. -
MSU Extension Beginner Grazing School - August 22-23
Published on August 1, 2023
A grazing school for beef, dairy and small ruminant producers will be held at the MSU Extension Lake City Research Center August 22 - 23, 2023.