Critical Spring Temperatures
The critical control temperatures for apple blossom buds are given in the table below.
- Old standard temperature is the lowest temperature that can be endured for 30 minutes without drainage.
- This table also shows the temperature that will kill 10% and 90% of normal fruit buds.
Critical spring temperatures for apple blossom buds
Apple Stages |
Critical Control Temperatures |
Silver tip |
Green tip |
Half-inch green |
Tight cluster |
Pink |
King bloom |
Full bloom |
Post bloom |
1 Critical temperatures as previously published in WSUEM 1616.
2 Average temperatures found by research at the WSU Research and Extension Center, Prosser, to result in 10% and 90% bud kill.
These numbers were taken from WSU Extension bulletins. Portions of these bulletins are posted at Greg Lang’s Fruit Bud Hardiness page at the MSU Horticulture Department.