Antrim County 4-H Leaders Council
2025 Leadership Council Officers
- Bobbi Jo Pyle, President (through 2025)
- Abigail Pyle, Vice President (through 2025)
- Sandi Pyle, Treasurer (through 2025)
- Coriane Laird-Fleet, Secretary (through 2025)
Have you ever wondered how the countywide events are decided on, created and run?
The Antrim County 4-H Leadership Council meets bi-monthly to discuss, plan and evaluate county programs, budget, and events.
Who should attend?
Council meetings are open for all 4-H leaders, members, and parents. This is a great time to express your thoughts on any countywide program and event. All 4-H Certified (Active) Volunteer Adult Leaders and 4-H members (14 years and older) are voting members and are invited to attend monthly council meetings. Teens are encouraged to attend and express your thoughts about 4-H events and activities!
How can you join the Council?
Election of Council Officers are held bi-annually at the September Leadership Council meeting. All 4-H members, aged 14-19, and Certified Volunteer Adult Leaders are invited to hold an office.
2025 Leadership Council meeting dates:
Leader’s Council meets on Mondays at 5:30 PM.
February 10, 2025
Leadership Council Meeting Location:
The meetings are held in the Antrim County Building, 203 E. Cayuga Street, Bellaire, MI 49615, in the Commissioner's Chambers, Room 209.