MSU Horse Judging Team Wraps Up 2013 Season
The MSU Horse Judging Team just wrapped up its 2013 competitive season with a great performance at the U.S. Arabian/Half-Arabian Nationals’ Horse Judging Contest in Tulsa, Okla.
The MSU Horse Judging Team just wrapped up its2013 competitive season with a great performance at the U.S. Arabian/Half-Arabian Nationals’ Horse Judging Contest in Tulsa, Okla. The team took home Reserve High Team Overall (tied for first in Halter, second in Reasons, second in Performance). There were many notable individual placings. Specifically, the team would like to recognize Rebecca Dow who earned many prizes and a college scholarship. She was awarded Reserve High Individual Overall (first in Halter). Another Spartan, Caitlin Mockeridge, took home third High Individual Overall. The talented team consisted of: Kaine Diver, Caitlin Mockeridge, Rebecca Dow, Samantha Cripps, Ashley Graham, Lia Biondo, Maria Rising and Brianna Brodowski.
Coach Taylor Fabus would like to send out a sincere 'thank you' to all faculty members who helped the team stay on track while they traveled.
Looking to support the MSU Horse Judging Team? Please plan to attend our Silent Auction Bake Sale on Tuesday, Nov. 26 from 9 to 11:15 a.m., 1310 Anthony Hall. It will be a perfect opportunity to get your sweets for Thanksgiving and free coffee is available too.