Additional Videos

These videos explain concepts that will further help growers identify risks to their agricultural water.

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Introduction: Understanding Hazards vs. Risks in Agricultural Water

A lot of people use the words hazard and risk interchangeably. When it comes to on-farm produce safety, it is important to know the difference between hazards and risks.

Part 1: Reducing Water Contact to Reduce Risk

This is the first in a series of videos that is meant to help you understand factors that may affect the quality of your water used on your farm. These explanations may be useful as you use the Risk Prioritization Tool. This video deals with the irrigation events, and other times water contacts produce.

Part 2: Determining the Vulnerability of Your Water Source

This is part two of a three part series that is meant to help you understand factors that may affect the quality of the water used on your farm. These explanations may be useful as you use the Risk Prioritization Tool. The topic of this video is does poop from the landscape get into the water source or piping system?

Part 3: Evaluating the Accuracy of a Risk Assessment with Water Testing

Even the best risk assessments can sometimes miss something. That’s why water testing can be helpful. Water testing can be used to evaluate the accuracy of a risk assessment.

This webpage is made possible by Food Safety Outreach Program [grant no. 2020-70020-33023] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

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