Michigan Agriculture
Michigan farmers produce more than 300 agricultural products, making Michigan the second most agriculturally diverse state in the nation.
According to Michigan Grown, Michigan is first in the nation for production of:
- Asparagus
- Tart Cherries
- Cucumbers for pickling
- Dry black beans, cranberry beans and small red beans
- Chestnuts
- Production of milk per cow
- Winter Squash
- Turnips
Michigan Pickles
Michigan ranks first nationally in the production of cucumbers for pickling. In 2016, Michigan produced 236,700 tons of pickling cucumbers with a value of $47 million. In addition, the state produced 68 million pounds of cucumbers for the fresh market worth $15 million.*
Michigan Cherries
Michigan grows 75 percent of the supply of tart cherries and 20 percent of the supply of sweet cherries in the United States. In 2016, Michigan produced 22,600 tons of sweet cherries with a value of $18.2 million and 224 million pounds of tart cherries with a value of $54 million.*
Michigan Potatoes
Potatoes are Michigan’s leading produce commodity, generating $178.7 million in farm gate sales in 2016 and nearly 2 billion pounds of potatoes harvested from as far south as Monroe County to as far north as Iron County in the Upper Peninsula. Michigan is the nation’s leading producer of potatoes for potato chip processing. Montcalm is the largest potato production county in Michigan.*
Michigan Blueberries
Michigan is one of the top producing states in growing these sweet, juicy, and plump little blue dynamos. In 2016, the state produced 110 million pounds of more than 30 mouthwatering varieties of highbush blueberries. More than 50 percent of all Michigan blueberries are shipped to the fresh market; the rest are frozen, pureed, concentrated, or canned to be used in a wide range of food products.*
Michigan Floriculture
In 2015, the wholesale value of Michigan’s floriculture totaled $409 million, only behind California and Florida. Michigan’s floriculture industry is incredibly diverse. There were 556 floriculture producers in Michigan in 2015. Michigan leads the nation in nine floriculture crops, including impatiens, begonias, Easter lilies, geraniums, and petunias.*
*Source: Michigan Agriculture Facts & Figures, 2017
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