Graduate Student Organization

The Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is comprised of all graduate students and/or graduate assistants in AFRE. If you're a graduate student in AFRE, you're automatically a part of the GSO.

The purpose of the GSO, according to our constitution, is:

to serve as the official instrument through which the members may further their collective interests. This includes, but is not limited to:
  1. The formation and transmittal of opinions, positions and recommendations, either formal or informal, to appropriate authorities on matters of concern to the membership.
  2. The selection of representatives of the GSO to other organizations or committees within the University or outside the University.
  3. The administration of responsibilities delegated to the organization or afforded it by other entities.
  4. The organization and administration of activities or programs that may be beneficial to the membership.​"
The GSO represents AFRE graduate students with faculty and staff both inside the department, and with other University groups (e.g., the Council of Graduate Students). We are also responsible for maintaining Cook-Seevers Hall.  

Membership dues are $15/semester ($30/academic year). Dues must be paid in order to keep a desk in Cook-Seevers Hall
2024-2025 AFRE GSO Executive Board.jpeg