Hints for Applicants
Multiple faculty members from diverse areas of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) serve on the Undergraduate Research Program (URP) Selection Committee and will evaluate your application.
Please review the Evaluation Rubric for URP Applications to see how your application will be scored based on types of information submitted.
Your application should be written in terms that can be understood by a broad audience.
GPA Considerations
As long as the minimum GPA requirement (2.5 overall) is met, GPA is not a major factor in the success of applicants. In fact, for a student with average success in classes, completion of a successful research project may improve further academic study.
Time Commitment
Think realistically about how much time can you devote to a research project. Most application reviewers will want to see a commitment of at least 8 to 12 hours per week.
Project Description
Write the project description with guidance from your faculty research mentor. A project description needs to clearly and concisely communicate several things about the proposed research. Your description should include:
- A problem statement: Provide background information that establishes why your objectives are unique and relevant.
- Objectives: Explain what hypothesis you will test or what questions you will address.
- Approach: Provide a brief summary of the primary methods you will use to conduct your research.
- Anticipated outcomes: Summarize what you expect to accomplish through your proposed research project.
Your project description should also convey how your proposed work relates to the general goals of the mentor. Keep in mind that your anticipated accomplishments do not have to be major breakthroughs. Instead, consider what you might discover that is currently unknown or undocumented:
- What is the value to the immediate research group and to the broader research community?
- If appropriate, what is the potential value to those outside of the research community (e.g., to human medicine, to agricultural production)?
- How might your work benefit broader areas of society?
Describe in general terms the types of activities you will be involved in. For example, what percentage of your time will you put into such activities as library or online research, laboratory work or field studies? Include a draft timeline of projected activities and accomplishments.
Statement of Benefits
In your response, answer questions like:
- What skills and knowledge do you anticipate acquiring as a result of the project?
- How will this experience complement your academic program?
- How will participation in the program prepare you for further research, further academic pursuits, your anticipated career, or for all of these?
Plans to Present Results
The experience of presenting your project progress or results is a very important aspect of the URP. With your research mentor’s input, propose a realistic assessment of where you think you might present the results of your research.
You are expected to submit a poster or presentation to the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) within one year of your experience. Plans to also present your results in a poster or presentation at a professional meeting related to your mentor’s broader research program will be viewed very favorably.
The CANR Undergraduate Research cohort will also present progress reports at the CANR Research Roundup event during your semester of research.
Research Budget
Prepare a simple budget including a breakdown of hourly pay, equipment, supplies, and travel/presentation costs.
Reminder for students and mentors: At least 80 percent of the total request must directly support the student. Remaining funds may be used by the mentor to purchase supplies and equipment that would not otherwise be available for the project.
This budget should not exceed $2,000, even if it is part of a larger project budget. The selection committee will look at how the CANR Undergraduate Research Program funds will be used. Don't forget to include expenses for producing and printing your research poster(s) for UURAF and professional meetings.
Contact Rose Stewart at stewa684@msu.edu with any questions.