Undergraduate Advisors

You don’t have to navigate your degree alone! The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) has a team of experienced advisors who can help guide you through a major to graduation.

If you're not sure which major in CANR is for you or are an Exploratory Major student, contact Dr. Dorcia Chaison (chaison@msu.edu or 517-355-0234), in the CANR Office of Academic and Student Affairs, and she will be your initial advisor.

Changing a Major or Minor

If you're changing your major or minor in the CANR, please set up a follow-up appointment with your CANR academic advisor. Learn more on changing your major or minor.

You can also schedule advising appointments online. (More details: MSU Student Information System resources.)

Interdisciplinary Programs

Agribusiness Management Advisor

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education Advisor

Animal Science Advisors

Biosystems Engineering Advisor

Construction Management Advisor & Undergraduate Support

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Crop and Soil Sciences Advisor

Dietetics Advisor

Entomology Advisor

Environmental Economics and Management Advisor

Environmental Studies and Sustainability Advisor

Fisheries and Wildlife Advisor

Food Industry Management Advisor

Food Science Advisor

  • Jeff Swada

    Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Undergraduate Food Science Program, Food Science Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Food Processing Complex Manager and Mobile Lab Liaison

Forestry Advisor

Horticulture Advisor

Interior Design Advisor & Undergraduate Support

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Landscape Architecture Advisor & Undergraduate Support

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Nutritional Sciences Advisor

Packaging Advisor

Sustainable Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisor