People and Awards
Tara Allohverdi
Doctoral Student
Shivan Gc
Research Assistant
Vishal Kumar
Student Research Assistant
Basanta Lamsal
Research Associate
Patrick Mohney
Master's Student
Raju Pokharel
Assistant Professor, Forest Resource Economics
Jagdish Poudel
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Forest Economics and Policy
Kamana Poudel
Research Associate, in association with Dr. Raju Pokharel
Basana Sapkota
Doctoral Student
Ichchha Thapa
Doctoral Student
Ethan Vanantwerp
Professional Aide
Raju Pokharel, CANR Early Career Research Award
Fellowships and Scholarships
Tara Allohverdi, PhD Student: MSU Graduate Office Fellowship (GFO)
Basana Sapkota, PhD Student: MSU C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture
Ichchha Thapa, PhD Student: Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (MW CASC) Graduate Fellowship
Best Student Presenter Award
Ichchha Thapa, PhD Student, 2023 ISFRE Synopsis, Houston, TX; Presentation Title-"Feedstock supply analysis and optimal locations for mass timber manufacturing in Michigan"
Nafisa Nowshin Ahmed, MS Student, 2023 ISFRE Synopsis, Houston, TX; Presentation Title-"Assessing the environmental impacts of proposed biochar production facilities using low value forest biomass in Michigan"
Student Poster Awards
Ichchha Thapa, PhD Student, 2023 ISFRE Synopsis, International Society of Forest Resource Economics (ISFRE),Houston, TX (Second Place); Poster Title-"Feedstock Supply & Demand for mass timber manufacturing in Michigan"
Nafisa Nowshin Ahmed, MS Student, 2023 ISFRE Synopsis, International Society of Forest Resource Economics (ISFRE), Houston, TX (Third Place); Poster Title-"Quantifying the environmental impacts of proposed biochar production facilities using forest biomass in Michigan"
Nafisa Nowshin Ahmed, MS Student, 2022 SAF Convention, Society of American Foresters, September, Baltimore, MD, USA. (Third Place); Poster Title-"Assessing the prospects of biochar production using forest biomass for building a circular bioeconomy in Michigan"
Naresh Khanal, MS Student, 2022 ISFRE Meeting, International Society of Forest Resource Economics (ISFRE), Houston, TX (First Place); Poster Title-"Identifying Optimal Locations for Establishing Mass Timber Processing Facilities in Michigan"