Cash Composition Contest
About the Contest:
In support of Financial Literacy Month (April), Michigan State University Extension and 4-H are coordinating the Cash Composition Contest. Youth residing in Michigan, age 9-19 as of (January 1, 2025) are encouraged to answer this year’s essay question (see below) with an essay of 300 words or less. We have 2 age brackets for the contest; 9-13 and 14-19. The top 3 scoring essays in each age bracket will win $100 gift card.
2025 Cash Composition Contest Flyer
February 28, 2025: Essay Submission due by 11:59 p.m.
April 1, 2025: Winners Announced
Cash Composition Topic:
Credit is borrowing money to obtain goods or services based on the trust that it will be paid back. Credit can be considered good and bad. How can borrowing money (or using credit such as taking a loan or having a credit card) end up being a good decision and when might it not? How and when will you decide if it is a good choice for you to borrow money? What are some tips you would give someone who needs to borrow money?
Essays are scored on:
- Quality of Writing
- Organization and Information
- Grammar and Mechanics
Participants must:
- Be between 9-19 years of age (as of Jan 1, 2025) living in the state of Michigan.
- Have knowledge of money management pillars of saving, spending, borrowing, and planning appropriate for age and grade level.
Resources to Prepare:
- Attend a Crash Course: Credit Survival 101 webinar on either January 15 at 6pm EST or February 4 at 5:30pm EST (these will repeat content and include essay writing tips)
- The self-guided Nearpod course on Credit
- Watch the Michigan 4-H Adulting 101 presentation on Building and Protecting Your Credit
- Articles that support the topic
- Events (from MSU Extension staff) on credit
- Utilizing the other credit education resources that are shared on the website
To Apply:
- Youth under 18 must have parent or guardian permission to apply and participate.
- The application form must be completed by a parent/guardian unless over 18.
- Youth must write an essay (300 words or less) on the assigned topic above.
- Essays must be submitted on the contest registration page.
The essay must be the work of the student submitting the essay. It is highly recommended that youth write their essay prior to completing the registration/submission form.
All essays become the property of the Michigan State University Extension 4-H Youth Development Program and may be used by contest coordinators to promote financial literacy.
All submissions must be received by 11:59 pm (EST) on February 28, 2025.
Prize Sponsors:
Thank you to our amazing contest sponsor, Extra Credit Union!

Contact Kathy Jamieson at or Laurie Rivetto at
Congratulation to our 2024 Contest Winners:
9-13 year old:
Aubrey D (Eaton County)
Reagan M (Van Buren County)
Olive F (Oakland County)
14-19 year old:
Paige D (Wayne County)
Anna H (Clinton County)
Amy S (Washtenaw County)