Aniseh Bro, PhD

Aniseh Bro

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Department of Community Sustainability

Program: CSUS

Academic Focus Area: International Development

Hometown: Curico, Chile

Advisor: Dan Clay

Aniseh's research centers around issues related to coffee production in Latin America and East Africa. Her interests lie in the the conditions (incentives and capacities) of coffee farmers to adopt production practices that will contribute along three main dimensions: improved livelihoods, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation.

Through her assistantship she has had the opportunity to be closely involved in the development and implementation of two different projects: the Burundi Agribusiness Program and the African Great Lakes Coffee Program. Aniseh also spent six months in Nicaragua (as a Borlaug Fellow in Global Food Security) where she conducted the fieldwork for her dissertation research.

Her favorite coffee is Guatemalan.