About PSM

Welcome to the Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University. With expertise ranging from ecosystems services and disease management, to plant breeding, genomics, and food safety, we provide leadership and deliver programs that are internationally recognized and respected and have impact at local, national, and international levels. To provide this leadership, we work in an interdisciplinary and collaborative manner to effectively address complex problems and emerging threats that challenge food production and security. Above all, we value our missions of teaching, extension/outreach, research, international, service, and stewardship. We are home to 70 faculty, 100 graduate students, 86 post-docs and staff members, and 200 undergraduate and certificate students.  For more information see our mission statement.

To generate new knowledge and understanding about the biology of plants and plant pathogens, and to understand the role(s) soils, water, and the environment play in the promotion of a sustainable and sound agricultural systems and ecosystems.

To complete our mission, we utilize an integrated approach of research, teaching, extension, and outreach. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are important, interdependent components of everyday life and are critical to our pursuit of academic excellence.

Click here to learn more about what our Mission, Vision and Driving Principles. 

Learn more about what Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences Faculty, Staff, Students and Graduates do to make the world a better place.

Learn more about how PSM upholds the core values of Quality, Inclusiveness, and Connectivity through Student, Staff and Academic Faculty Equity (SSAFE).

PSM Bylaws for Academic Governance Updated 2024