Julia Darnton

Julia Darnton

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District 4 Director
Ogemaw County Extension Office




Julia is the is the Michigan State University Extension District Director for District 4 serving Alcona, Arenac, Iosco, Crawford, Oscoda, Ogemaw and Roscommon counties.

Her research and outreach focuses on farmers markets and the roles that they play in supporting local specialty crop agriculture, provide additional access for food consumers, portray a wholesome and healthy message about food to those consumers, and provide a gathering place/amenity for communities. She has been working with stakeholders and partners to increase the presence and success of farmers markets in our communities. She is supportive of farm to school and institution efforts, helping to create literacy around the local food system, and working to create innovative responses to critical needs around the local and regional food system.

Before becoming district director, Julia was an MSU Extension educator serving Saginaw and Genesee counties in the areas of Community Food Systems and Leadership and Community Engagement. She has worked for MSU Extension since 2006. Julia received a Master’s Degree in Urban & Regional Planning from Michigan State University in 2010. In complement to her work in Community Food Systems, Julia is the former Chairperson of the Downtown Saginaw Farmers’ Market and is a past member of the Board of Directors for the Michigan Farmers Market Association. Julia is an affiliate of the Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University and works on projects around farmers markets, farm to institution purchasing, and food systems education. Julia is proud to be part of the Leadership and Community Engagement team delivering programs on Facilitative Leadership.