Julie A. Howard
Former MSU Adjunct/Visiting Assistant Professor for International Development, Julie A. Howard, is currently Senior Adviser (Non-resident), to the Global Food Security Project. In this role she is a senior adviser to the associate provost and dean for international studies and programs at Michigan State University. Her responsibilities include advancing the university’s international strategy by developing and strengthening external partnerships, especially relating to sub-Saharan Africa. She also provides leadership in the area of economic and skills development for youth in the transforming agrifoods systems of sub-Saharan Africa.
Dr. Howard was named in 2013 as the Chief Scientist in the USAID Bureau for Food Security, which leads the implementation of Feed the Future, the U.S. global hunger and food security initiative. Dr. Howard also serves as the senior advisor to the USAID administrator on agricultural research, extension and education. In this role, she oversaw the implementation of the Feed the Future research strategy and leads related new programs to advance innovation in global food security efforts, working with both global and national partners. She previously served since 2011 as deputy coordinator for development for Feed the Future, leading a core team in elevating interagency engagement in Feed the Future strategic planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Before joining USAID from 2003 to 2011, Dr. Howard was an Adjunct Assistant Professor at MSU serving as the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa, a Washington, D.C. based independent nonprofit coalition dedicated to increasing the level and effectiveness of U.S. assistance and private investment through research, dialogue and advocacy.
As Visiting Assistant Professor for International Development in AEC/AFRE Department at MSU over the period 1994 – 2003, Dr. Howard carried out research and policy dialogue/outreach activities with MSU and host-country colleagues on agricultural technology development and transfer in Zambia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Uganda and Somalia. Her research and policy outreach contributions examined the economic impact of agricultural research in Zambia, analyzed the impact of Sasakawa-Global 2000 improved technology packages in Mozambique and Ethiopia, traced the development of seed and fertilizer systems in Mozambique, and explored the role of farmer associations in agricultural development.
Julie Howard was also a Peace Corps Volunteer for 2 years in the Dominican Republic.
Pubs Online
Notable Docs/Pres
- US Agricultural Development Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa and The Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa. Dr. Julie Howard. Sept 15, 2010. Presentation at CTA Brussels Rural Development Briefings. (Video & Powerpoint)\
- Discussing Four Priorities for Reshaping the Global Institutions Which Deliver Services to the Agricultural Sector. 2009. by Julie Howard, presentation at a Farming First seminar. (Video)
- Two Experts on African Agricultural Development visited farms in Mozambique ahead of the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh. 2009. Dr. Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, CEO of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network, and Dr. Julie Howard, Executive Director of the Partnership to End Hunger and Poverty in Africa, listening to farmers and translate their concerns to the rest of the world. (Video)
- Investing in Africa’s Future: U.S. Agricultural Development Assistance for Sub-Saharan Africa Final Report. September 2005. by Michael R. Taylor and Julie A. Howard. Resources for the Future and the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
- Improving the Effectiveness of US Assistance in Transforming the Food Security Outlook in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2005. by Emmy Simmons and Julie Howard. Policy Brief for the Partnership to Cut Poverty and Hunger in Africa.
- Now is the Time: A Plan to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa. 2002. by Alexander R. Love and Julie Howard. Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
- The Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa 2001 World Conference. (Video-long version) (Video-short version)
- Food Security II Cooperative Agreement. [1992 - 2002]
- MSU/FS II and Other contributions to the Partnership to Cut Poverty and Hunger in Africa: Historical Milestones
Related Work
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Final Report--Workshop on Experiences and Options for Priority Setting in NARS, August 12-16, 1996, Nairobi, Kenya
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Zambia's Stop-And-Go Revolution: The Impact of Policies and Organizations on the Development and Spread of Maize Technology
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The Impact of Investments in Maize Research and Dissemination in Zambia. Part II: Annexes
Published on October 1, 1993
The Impact of Investments in Maize Research and Dissemination in Zambia. Part I: Main Report
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