Project Works to Scale Up New Cowpea Varieties in Ghana
From the October 2024 Newsletter
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research is working to bring new cowpea varieties to smallholder farmers in Ghana through the project titled, Scale-Up of Legume Systems Innovation Lab-Developed New Cowpea Variety Releases in Ghana. The project is a collaboration between the University of California - Riverside and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI) Ghana.
During the first phase of the Legume Systems Innovation Lab five new cowpea varieties were developed through this research collaboration. Two of the five new varieties have now been released by Ghana's National Seed Council (NSC). These released varieties, Kanton Bongdaa and Awudu Benga will be promoted and scaled-up in this one-year project.
Kanton-Bongdaa has large seed size, creamy/white seed with black eye, early maturity (66-70 days), and short cooking time. Pods positioned above the canopy makes it easy to harvest manually and mechanically. Additional attributes include high resistance to Aphis craccivora, moderate tolerance to Striga gesnerioides, tolerance to drought, resistance to Macrophomina, and rich grain nutrient content (iron – 51.736 mg/kg, total sugar – 8.836%, calcium – 670 and zinc – 32.071mg/kg).
Awudu-Benga has large seed size, cream/white seed color with brown eye, and is early maturing (65-70 days). Pods positioned mostly above the canopy makes it easy to both harvest manually and mechanically. Additional attributes include high resistance to Aphis craccivora, moderate tolerance to Striga gesnerioides, tolerance to drought, resistance to Macrophomina, and rich grain nutrient content (iron – 43.688 mg/kg, total sugar – 7.393%, calcium – 740 mg/kg and zinc – 22.594mg/kg).
The project has produced breeder and foundation seed and held multiple on farm demonstration plots to highlight the two new varieties across Ghana. Farmer field days are currently being conducted at the demonstration plots to provide even greater exposure of the new varieties to drive farmer uptake.