• Red Beet and Apple Salad

    Published on May 13, 2019

  • Roasted Root Vegetables

    Published on May 13, 2019

  • Canning Applesauce

    Published on May 13, 2019
    Select Michigan apples that are sweet, juicy and crisp. For a tart favor, add 1 to 2 pounds of tart apples to each 3 pounds of sweeter fruit. An average of 21 pounds is needed per canner load of 7 quarts; an average of 13½ pounds is needed per canner load of 9 pints.

  • Spicy Asian Roasted Asparagus

    Published on May 13, 2019

  • Peas and Parmesan

    Published on May 13, 2019

  • Pear Party Salsa

    Published on September 9, 2016
    Honey is a great natural sweetener to add to any of your favorite dishes. It contains throat-soothing properties and nutrients that give you energy.

  • Honey Fruit Spread

    Published on September 9, 2016
    Honey is a great natural sweetener to add to any of your favorite dishes. It contains throat-soothing properties and nutrients that give you energy. Michigan State University Extension provides education that helps people buy and prepare healthy, budget-friendly foods as well as live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Because honey is sweeter than sugar, use less of it for the same sweet taste. Honey is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it not only a great natural source of energy but also a boost for your immune system. Pollination occurs when bees fly from flower to flower, helping fruits and vegetables to reproduce. Farmers markets often obtain honey from bees that pollinate local crops. Much of the honey you buy from the supermarket is highly filtered to give it a clear appearance. Read the label to find out where the honey comes from and whether it is 100 percent pure honey.

  • Broccoli Rice Casserole

    Published on October 7, 2015
    Michigan-grown broccoli is available July through October. Broccoli chosen for freezing is processed at its peak ripeness, a time when it is most nutrient packed and most delicious. Frozen broccoli may be even more healthful than some of the fresh produce sold in grocery stores since the product will degrade over time. Americans typically eat only one-third of the recommended daily intake (three servings instead of nine) of fruits and vegetables due to availability and cost. Preserving broccoli and other fruits and vegetables by freezing them when they are at their nutritional peak allows people to use them throughout the year.

  • Stuffed Peppers with Corn

    Published on October 7, 2015
    Sweet corn chosen for freezing is processed at its peak ripeness, a time when it is most nutrient-packed and most delicious.

  • Yogurt Berry Parfait

    Published on October 7, 2015
    Blueberries chosen for freezing are processed at their peak ripeness, a time when they are most nutrient packed and most delicious. Frozen blueberries may be even more healthful than some of the fresh produce sold in grocery stores since the product will degrade over time.

  • Peach Crisp

    Published on October 27, 2014
    Peaches have many health benefits. They are low in calories, provide vitamin C and contain no fat.

  • Broccoli Salad

    Published on October 27, 2014
    Michigan-grown broccoli is available July-October. Broccoli has many health benefits. It provides vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber. It also helps to reduce cholesterol. At only 45 calories per one cup serving, broccoli provides a tasty addition to your meals and snacks. Serve it raw with a low-fat dip, add it to green salads for an extra crunch, or use it to add color and texture to a stir-fry. Choose odorless broccoli heads with tight, bluish-green florets. Remove the outside skin on the stem with a peeler. Cut the stems and serve with the florets. Refrigerate broccoli and use within three to five days.

  • Oven-Baked Sweet Potato Fries

    Published on October 27, 2014
    Wash sweet potatoes before you prepare them and cook them in their skins to retain their vitamin content. Store sweet potatoes in temperatures between 45 and 50 °F to keep them fresh.

  • Blueberry Muffins

    Published on October 27, 2014
    Michigan-grown berries are available in July and August. Blueberries have many health benefits. With only 100 calories in a one-cup serving, these flavorful berries provide a fat-free, sodium-free, cholesterol free and high-dietary-fiber addition to your diet. They are also packed with disease-fighting antioxidants and are a good source of vitamin C. Choose dusty-blue, firm, plump, dry berries. You can safely refrigerate blueberries for 10 to 14 days. Add them to your meals in a variety of ways – top off cereal or pancakes, add them to muffins or waffles, or just enjoy them one at a time.

  • Microwave-Baked Apples

    Published on October 27, 2014
    For maximum quality, store apples in a cool place, between 32 and 40 °F. Apples stored at this temperature maintain nutritional benefits such as B vitamins, fiber and vitamin C and can be kept for about a month. There are many varieties of apples, and they can be prepared in many ways.