How do I become certified as an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteer?
- Enroll in and complete the online, 10-week Foundations of Gardening course and receive a certificate of completion. This step must be completed prior to applying to become an MSU Extension volunteer. FOG certificates can be used to apply to the MSU EMG volunteer program for up to three years after the date they are earned.
- After completing the FOG course, apply to become an MSU EMG volunteer, which involves a Volunteer Screening Process and acceptance as a volunteer. This process needs to be coordinated with an MSU EMG staff person after enrolling in the MSUE FOG course.
- Register for a local MSU Extension Onboarding session. Contact your local EMG staff for the registration link. If candidates successfully complete all steps of the Volunteer Screening Process, they will be formally invited to attend Onboarding. Dates vary by location. In-person participation is required. For information about Onboarding, contact your local MSU EMG staff person. Note that some areas in the state may not have an opportunity to onboard.
Engage in 40 hours of volunteer service within one year of completing the Onboarding Course on an MSU Extension Master Gardener approved project.
After that first year, how many annual volunteer hours do I need to maintain my certification?
Volunteers must complete a minimum of 20 hours at an MSU approved project. All volunteer hours must be reported by November 30th of the current year.
Do I need to complete any other education to earn my initial certification?
No, you do not need additional education hours beyond the successful completion of Foundations of Gardening and Volunteer Onboarding to become certified as an Extension Master Gardener volunteer. You can report additional education hours if you decide to participate in approved MSU EMG learning opportunities.
After that first year, how many annual hours of education do I need to complete to maintain my EMG certification?
You need to complete at least 10 hours of approved education programming and enter the hours into Volunteer Central by November 30. Check with local MSU EMG staff for details about approved education opportunities.
How do I become an Advanced EMG volunteer?
You need to reach a total of 90 volunteer and 25 education hours to achieve this status. These hours are cumulative, adding up from one year to the next. Advanced certification does not replace annual re-certification requirements of 20 volunteer hours and 10 education hours. It is a recognition of outstanding service and commitment to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program®.
What if I volunteer for more hours than the minimum each year?
It is important to enter hours you have completed beyond the requirements for annual certification. These hours are used toward Advanced status, hour milestones, and MSU's federal reporting requirements.
For more information on how the Foundations of Gardening is related to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program®, go to our web page: