2025 You Belong Here Champion Award Nominations

January 15, 2025 - February 1, 2025

Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025 - 12:00PM

Contact: sorroche@msu.edu

2025 You Belong Here Champion Awards (Nominations)

The You Belong Here Champion Award recognizes faculty, staff and students who are nominated by students, faculty and staff in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) and MSU Extension. This award honors those who live the College’s CANR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement in and through their work and space. The CANR Office of Culture, Access and Belonging established the You Belong Here Champion Award to provide an opportunity to identify DEI champions the CANR community regularly engages with. We invite you to nominate persons whom you believe are worthy of this esteemed honor for the 2024-2025 academic year. The success of the nomination depends on individuals who showcase exceptional efforts and go above and beyond in creating an inclusive and supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff. The You Belong Here Champion maintains an accessible, inclusive and supportive community for all who learn, work and teach in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, MSU Extension, and AgBioResearch. We appreciate your participation in this process.

YOU BELONG HERE MISSION: The mission of the You Belong Here Champion Award is to acknowledge CANR faculty and staff who are champions of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). You Belong Here Champions support a culture where every member of our college community feels valued and inspired to achieve individual and common goals, with an uncommon will. Please consider submitting the nominee name, department, and email address of individuals whom you believe are deserving of this recognition by completing an online nomination form. All submissions must be received by FEBRUARY 1st 2025, with awards being announced in April 2025.

Registration for this event has closed.