Purple deadnettle growing in winter wheat.

Bulletin E0434-2025
2025 Weed Control Guide for Field Crops

December 16, 2024 - <sprague1@msu.edu>

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Cultural control of weeds
Chemical control of weeds
Herbicide formulation and additives
Herbicide application
Pesticides and the environment
Restricted use pesticides
Herbicide resistance in weeds
Herbicide sites of action


Table 1A- Weed response to soil-applied herbicides in corn
Table 1B- Weed response to postemergence herbicides in corn
Table 1C- Herbicide premixes in corn
Table 1D- Corn herbicide- Remarks and limitations
•Soil applied- All tillage systems
•Postemergence- All tillage systems

Table 1E- Weed control in glyphosate-resistant corn
Table 1F- Weed control in LibertyLink (glufosinate-resistant) corn
Table 1G- Delayed applications of soil applied herbicides in corn
Table 1H- Weed and crop heights for postemergence herbicide applications in corn
Table 1I- Plant response to fall or spring herbicides in sod
Table 1J- Effectiveness of herbicides for spring burndown in corn


Table 2A- Weed response to soil-applied herbicides in soybean
Table 2B- Weed response to postemergence herbicides in soybean
Table 2C- Herbicide premixes in soybean
Table 2D- Soybean herbicide- Remarks and limitations
•Preplant incorporated only
•Soil applied- All tillage systems
•Postemergence grass and volunteer corn control
•Postemergence for broadleaf weeds

Table 2E- Weed control in glyphosate-resistant soybean
Table 2F- Weed control in LibertyLink (glufosinate-resistant) soybean
Table 2G- Soybean- preharvest applications
Table 2H- Maximum broadleaf weed heights for postemergence control in soybean
Table 2I- Suggested additives for postemergence herbicide applications in soybean
Table 2J- Additives for postemergence broadleaf weed control in soybean
Table 2K- Application rates for postemergence grass herbicides for control of grass species at various heights
Table 2L- Labeled tank mixes with postemergence grass herbicides in soybean
Table 2M- Feed and forage restrictions for soybean herbicides
Table 2N- Labeled Tank Mixes With postemergence Grass Herbicides in Soybean
Table 2O- Feed and Forage Restrictions for Soybean Herbicides
Table 2P- Weed management in no-till soybean and effectiveness of herbicides for no-till soybean

Small Grains

Table 3A- Weed response to herbicide in small grains
Table 3B- Herbicide premixes in small grains
Table 3C- Small grain herbicides- Remarks and limitations
•Direct-drilled small grains (No-till)
•Wheat only- All tillage systems
•Barley and wheat- All tillage systems
•Figure 1- Wheat growth stages according to the Feeke's scale
•Oats- All tillage systems

Table 3D-Wheat preharvest applications
Table 3E- Harvest restrictions for small grain herbicides


Table 4A- Weed response to herbicides in forage legumes
Table 4B- Weed response to herbicides in established forage grasses
Table 4C- Forage legume herbicides- Remarks and limitations
•Direct-drilled (No-till)
•Preplant incorporated only
•Dormant applications

Table 4D- Weed control in Roundup Ready (glyphosate-resistant) alfalfa
Table 4E- Weed control in grass pastures
Table 4F- Harvest restrictions for forage legume herbicides
Table 4G- Harvest restrictions for forage grass herbicides

Dry Beans

Table 5A- Weed response to herbicides in dry edible beans
Table 5B- Dry edible bean herbicides- Remarks and limitations
•Preplant incorporated only
•Soil applied

Table 5C- Preharvest treatments in dry edible beans


Table 6A- Weed response to herbicides in potatoes
Table 6B- Potato herbicides- Remarks and limitations
•Preplant incorporated only
•Soil applied herbicides
•Postemergence herbicides

Table 6C- Vine desiccation in potatoes

Sugar Beets

Table 7A- Weed response to herbicides in sugar beets
Table 7B- Sugar beet herbicides- Remarks and limitations
•Preplant incorporated
•Micro-rate postemergence
•Timing micro-rate applications using growing degree days (GDD)
•Early postemergence
•Weed control in glyphosate-resistant sugar beets

Forage Sorghum

Table 8- Weed response to herbicides in forage sorghum

Table 9- Weed control in forage sorghum

More Information and Weed Specifics

Table 10 - Glyphosate products registered for postemergence application in glyphosate-resistant crops

Table 11 - Rainfree period for postemergence herbicide applications

Table 12 - Herbicide crop rotation restrictions

Table 13 - Toxicity, solubility, adsorptivity, and persistence of herbicides

Table 14 - Glossary of chemical names

Table 15 - Glossary of EPA registration numbers

Table 16 - Glossary of restricted use pesticides, groundwater advisories, signal words, and restricted entry intervals

MSU Enviroweather

How to Submit a Sample to MSU Diagnostic Services

Management of multiple-resistant Palmer amaranth

Controlling horseweed(marestail)

Common windgrass management in winter wheat

Controlling white campion in no-tillage systems

Controlling dandelion

Controlling wild carrot

Controlling Canada thistle

Controlling common pokeweed

Controlling hemp dogbane

Pesticide emergency information


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