Cortisol Glitter Jar Demonstration

Video Transcript


Music] In this video, we will demonstrate how the stress hormone cortisol can impact your brain. This jar represents your brain. When you are calm and relaxed, you can think clearly and see through the other side of the jar. During this peaceful time, cortisol, represented by the glitter, is settled at the bottom of the jar. When we experience a stressful situation that shakes us up, our adrenal glands release a flood of cortisol to our brain as part of our fight or flight response. While the cortisol provides us with a boost of energy to help respond to the stress, it also clouds our thoughts and makes it difficult to see the situation clearly. As the glitter floats around the jar, it becomes very dark and difficult to see the other side. Once the jar has been shaken up, it can be easy to respond in ways that agitate and keep the glitter moving. Even gently tilting the jar, while the glitter is flowing, in order to try and see the other side from a new angle, can keep the glitter from settling down. The good news is that we can practice mindfulness and other relaxation techniques to let the cortisol settle down and help us think clearly again. If we set the jar down and give ourselves a break from the stressful situation, the glitter will slowly sink to the bottom and let us see the other side again. The next time you experience a stressful situation, consider giving yourself a moment to let your cortisol settle before you respond. You can find more health programs and resources from MSU Extension by visiting our website at [Music]