2024 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alumni Award

March 1, 2024

Video Transcript

It was very humbling. I was very  surprised. I look at it every year,  
to look at the award and one of the first  people that I connected with was Dr. Savala,  
who won it a while back and has been  a mentor and a really strong person in  
my life professionally and personally in the  DEI space. And so I'm very community driven,  
so sometimes like realistically sometimes it's  hard to take a step back and be like "I did  
that" or yeah like you know it's because you just  kind of want to keep going, and sometimes to stop  
and reflect, at least for me. I don't spend  a lot of time doing that, I probably should,  
but very humbling, and a very large honor to be  connected to such a cohort of folks who have had  
such an impact in the College of Ag & Natural  Resources. I think what's been hard has been  
the balance and sometimes the resistance to the  work - that you have to take moments to endure,  
but those moments of resiliency are really  great because you come through with so much  
clarity about the steps that need to be taken for  action. And again being able to get people to see  
themselves in the work we all all as individuals  have so much to bring to the space, and so being  
able to help people connect to opportunities when  they need to lean in, step in, or even sometimes  
step out of the work is a really big part of it.  That's what it boils down to and so being able  
to kind of like measure the inputs and the outputs  to that is very important to sustain in this work.