Featherstone Endowed Prize - Scholarship

Application Due Date: March 31, 2025

Nominations are being sought for the 2025 Richard Lee Featherstone Endowed Prize

The Richard Lee Featherstone Endowed Prize seeks to identify the most outstanding graduating senior, based on the criteria below, and to grant an award to be used for "future growth and development, travel, graduate study, or meditation," to quote one of the Prize founders, Gerald Faverman. In 2025, the amount awarded will be approximately $4,000.

Selection Criteria

1. The award recipient must be a Michigan State University senior, majoring in any discipline, who is expected to graduate during 2025 (Spring, Summer, or Fall).
2. The award recipient will exhibit an open, curious, creative approach to education and ideas, and intellectual ingenuity will be evident. More weight will be given to intellectual curiosity and innovation than to grades attained, although a cumulative GPA above 3.0 is preferred.
3. The award recipient will have demonstrated exceptional character and leadership in furthering her/his own progress and in enriching the lives of others. The recipient will also have demonstrated innovation and creativity over their career at Michigan State University. A commitment to community service should be evident.

Nomination Procedure

There is no formal nomination or application form. Each nomination packet should include:

• One letter of nomination from a current Michigan State University faculty or academic staff member (includes advisors). Letters of support are not necessary. The letter of nomination should be addressed to the Featherstone Nomination Committee, 312 Administration Building;
• An essay or letter written by the student of not more than 1,000 words, which describes their journey to and through Michigan State University and their future goals.
• A brief paragraph written by the student indicating how they would spend the award;
• Student’s resume (not to exceed 2 pages).

The nomination packet should address the ways in which the student exemplifies the award criteria. Specific examples of activities and achievements are especially helpful to the selection committee.

The nomination letter, student essay, paragraph stating how the award would be spent, and student resume, should be submitted by the nominator as one complete attachment and should be emailed in PDF format to raymerra@msu.edu no later than Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5 pm. Late applications will not be considered.

Finalists will be notified to schedule an in-person interview. The winner will receive a financial award
and a plaque.

For further information, contact Racheal Sandford in the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate
Education at raymerra@msu.edu.