Tobacco Use Prevention Organizations

March 27, 2015

The body of research on the effects of tobacco on the human system and the effectiveness of tobacco-use prevention measures is always growing. The organizations listed here may provide information on anti-smoking programs, tobacco and tobacco use, and the consequences of tobacco use. You can also use an Internet search engine to find other anti-tobacco sites. Try searching on terms such as anti-tobacco, tobacco use, anti-smoking and substance abuse prevention. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.

ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) 
ASH is a national nonprofit legal action and educational organization fighting for the rights of nonsmokers against the many problems of smoking. The site describes ASH as "the nation's oldest and largest anti-smoking organization."

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids 
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is fighting to free America's youth from tobacco and to create a healthier environment. The site offers information and insight on current trends in tobacco use, advertising, statistics and more.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Smoking and Tobacco Use 
The CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) features news, reports, research, educational materials and publications for a variety of audiences, including employers, health educators, parents, educators, youth group leaders and young people.

The Foundation for a Smoke Free America (adult site) (youth site) 
The Foundation for a Smoke Free America is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate people of all ages about smoking and tobacco use. The group presents strong anti-tobacco messages to children, teens and university students. The organization was founded in 1989 by Patrick Reynolds, a grandson of the founder of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Patrick became an outspoken champion of a smoke-free society after his father and oldest brother died of smoking-related causes.

Make Smoking History 
The Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program is dedicated to reducing the health and economic burden of tobacco use by preventing young people from starting to smoke, helping current smokers quit, protecting children and adults from secondhand smoke, and identifying and eliminating tobacco-related disparities. The site offers information, facts, links and resources. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, this site was formerly known as "Get Outraged."

Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi Tobacco Initiative
The Partnership's programs reach youth in schools and communities. From kindergarten through the twelfth grade, students learn about the health dangers of tobacco use, enhance their communication skills and build self-esteem that will help them avoid risky behaviors. The Partnership provides free classroom materials to teachers and other educators, as well as community-based activity guides that can be used in faith-based settings and after-school programs. The Partnership is the sponsor of RAT (Reject All Tobacco) for kids in grades K–3 and Generation FREE, Mississippi's youth-led movement against Big Tobacco that is fueled by teens across the state.

The Tale of Samantha Skunk: Why Smoking Stinks 
This anti-smoking campaign is designed for early elementary school children (grades K–2). The book and program feature a magenta skunk named Samantha who encourages kids to avoid smoking. Sponsored by William Scott, a business professor at the University of New Hampshire. Tobacco News and Information 
This site is a free resource center focusing on tobacco and smoking issues. It contains tobacco news, quotations, resources and help for smokers trying to quit.

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