SAC Meeting Minutes December 2019
January 13, 2020
SAC Monthly Meeting Minutes
December 4th, 2019
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
306 Manly Miles
- Review minutes from November meeting – Approve
- Basketball tickets update – Kathryn has updated in the events module, will send out this Friday 12/6. Reminder of game dates Dec. 31, Jan. 30, and Feb 23.
Also reported on Day of Giving results – MSU as a whole 1.5 million – Food Hunger $24,104 346 gifts to this fund. She we will get staff numbers soon so we can report out.
- Website update – stay the course where we are for now. Readdress later if we need to.
- Qualtrics survey- Discussion around effectiveness of sending a survey now. Last email went out to ~800 staff that yielded 3 new members. Survey can be used to drive information for the all-staff meeting. Draft questions so we can gather the information we need, lack of response to the first email shouldn’t mean lack of interest. We need to keep our message in front of people.
**Jan and Kathryn will work on questions – intent to send out early January**
- CAC Meeting Friday, December 13th 3:30 -5 p.m. (Rm 75 Ag Hall) Rebecca to attend for Colin
- Restructuring SAC to provide more comprehensive staff advocacy
- Nominations for vacant positions – all self-nominated
- Emily Williams - Business Manager, Biosystems and Ag Engineering
- Jill Selke, Undergraduate & Graduate Secretary, SPDC
- Randy Klevickas, Resident Manager, Tree Research Center
- Nominations for vacant positions – all self-nominated
**Colin will email all three tomorrow, loop them in on our correspondence.
** Jan will provide new member digital assess to teams, and add to website
**Richie offered to reach out to Unit/Business Managers in those Departments we don’t have representation in. Sharon will draft the email to send out to PSM, PKG, EXT, AFRE, COM. SUS, ENT, FSHN and AN. SCI.
- Guidelines review - **TABLE until we have more members**
- Re-evaluate officer positions and terms
- Membership – 3 year terms (August 1 – July 31)
- of 2 consecutive terms (1 term off before eligible again, unless no other staff available)
- Current officer positions:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Questions for Department/School leadership
- Do you have recurring staff meetings?
- How many staff are in your unit?
- Membership – 3 year terms (August 1 – July 31)
- Re-evaluate officer positions and terms
- Point of contact to help with selection of representative for each unit?
- Subcommittees – potential ideas
- Committee Restructure
- Colin, Sharon
- Website
- Jan, Kathryn
- Committee Restructure
- Awards (reevaluate program after committee restructuring)
- Sarah
- Communication/Outreach
- Executive (with larger committee)
- CANR all staff meeting -
- Format
*Invite the Dean to give an update forecast of what is going on.
*Could invite DEI team to provide update on program and initiatives, brief report then solicit questions.
*SAC give a report, climate survey results, where we are, where we are going
*Suggested that we see what the Dean would like to hear from the staff.
*Suggested to have some small focus groups, ice breakers, make the gathering interactive not talked at. As part of a strategic plan, have topics of most interest (possibly gathered from survey), break people into table groups, discuss topic and report out to greater group. Renee *Suggested checking out other Universities, “Voices of the Staff” from U of M site. Also *Suggested having Todd Bradly from HR to facilitate the meeting.
*TO DO’s: Dates, ZOOM Capability, Location, Food and Itinerary
Possible locations: Union Ball Room, BPS rm 100
*Concerns expressed regarding skills to facilitate and organize a meeting like this. Kathryn mentioned that Extension offers classes on how to run a meeting.
**Sharon will contact Deans office to get date. 1st or 2nd week of March, time of day 2-4 or 3-5
**Renee will reach out to Todd Bradly at HR (if he is interested, invite to our January meeting
- Planned/run by SAC
- Opportunity for staff to ask questions of Leadership
- Dean Hendrick attending
- Could be a reception, that migrates into meeting
- Suggested that SAC solicit questions in advance via Qualtrics, giving staff the chance to ask questions and raise concerns in an anonymous environment.
- Separate from work climate survey
- There was discussion around filling open seats on the committee, confusion from past minutes, are we filling Zones or Departments. Discussion concluded that we are filling the Department seats to align with Dean’s charge.
- Action Items
- Jan and Kathryn – Qualtrics survey questions for all-staff meeting – launch in January
- Create a list of Information to provide new members
- Sharon to contact Jennifer Patterson to get a couple of dates from Dean
- Kathryn will get Basketball information out
- Renee to contact Todd Bradly
- Sharon will tweak email and send to Richie to send to departments not yet represented
- Find location / budget - Sharon
- Solicit questions to ask Dean for meeting in February
- Colin reach out to the new members
- Jan load new members on teams
- Other business
What needs to happen between now and the March? Jan expressed concerns that the committee only meets once a month, and our allotted time is not enough to get action items completed. Smaller groups need to meet throughout the month and come prepared to report out on action taken between meetings.
What message do we expect to send out to the staff? Before our next meeting we need an outline for the All Staff meeting. How do we want this meeting to flow? ** Colin is going to put together an outline
What do we SAC want to present at All Staff Meeting?
Present structure we are moving towards
Invite Dean to report out – Q&A
Invite DEI committee (Staff reps) to report out – Q&A
Ice Breaker
Staff interaction – what will this look like?