June 15, 2015
Elymus repens (L.) Gould Poaceae (Grass family)
Life cycle
Erect, rhizomatous perennial.
Leaves are rolled in the bud, hairless to sparsely hairy above and up to 8 inches long. Leaf sheaths are hairless except those near the base, which may be sparsely hairy. Clasping, claw-like auricles are present at the collar region.
Very short, membranous ligule.
Erect and clump-forming, up to 4 feet tall. Plants spread by thin, yellowish to white, sharp-tipped rhizomes.
Flowers and fruit
The seedhead is a 2- to 10-inch-long, slender, unbranched spike made up of several alternating spikelets arranged edgewise on the stem. Each spikelet contains up to eight straw-colored, lance-shaped seeds. Each seed has a short to prominent awn.
Seeds and rhizomes