Pout, Pout Fish Family Book Sheet
DOWNLOADFebruary 29, 2020 - Michigan State University Extension
Pout, Pout Fish
By Deborah Diesen
This book tells a story of a gloomy fish whose sea creature friends keep telling him to cheer up, until one fish who shows him he was ready to be happy all along.
- Show your child the front of the book and encourage them to explore it. They may want to hold it, turn the pages, or even taste it!
- Point to the fish on the cover and ask, “What do you think that fish is feeling?” Does he look happy? Sad?”
- Stop if there is something you or your child would like to talk about. Ask questions so they can connect what is happening in the book to things they already know. Try some of these ideas:
- What does his face look like?
- Why do you think the Pout, Pout Fish feels sad?
- Ask your child to point out what they see. Describe how the Pout, Pout Fish’s face looks when we his upside down.
- Ask, “Does his face look different? Does he look happy now?”
- Ask, “How does the Kiss, Kiss Fish feel?
- Spend some time talking about the story. Ask:
- When do you feel sad or gloomy?
Read this book several times to the children. Hearing the same story again and again helps them learn new words and understand the ideas the hear better. Each day pick a different activity to do with the children after reading.
Make your own Pout, Pout faces. Cut out a gloomy frown using construction paper and tape it to a straw or craft stick. You can hold it in front of you face and practice pouting. Ask your child if they can figure out how to turn their pout face into a happy kissy face (turn it upside down).
Make up silly movements to The Pout Pout Fish’s repeating phrase “I’m a pout-pout fish, with a pout pout face, so I spread the dreary-wearies all over the place. Blub. Bluuuub. Bluuuuub.” Pick one movement for each line of the rhyme and practice with your child until they can do each movement as you read it.
Ask your child to pretend to be The Pout Pout fish. Think of things that make your child happy (playing outside, ice cream, etc.). Suggest those happy things until your little fish is able to turn their frown upside down.
Talk to your child about what we can do when we are sad to feel better. Maybe they like hugs and snuggles from you, deep breathing exercises or time to participate in a quiet activity like reading or coloring.
For more information, visit the MSU Extension Early Childhood Site.
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